Thursday, September 13, 2012

Learning New Tricks

Today was a good day.  Jim threw the frisbee for me.  I just love my frisbee. 
Tonight Jean decided she was going to teach me to be her running partner.  It's the most ridiculous thing I every heard of.  I don't need to be taught to run.  I am already quite good at it.  We went to our favorite trail and took off for a run.  To tell you the truth Jean does not run that fast.  When she is running I am usually just walking fast.  It went very well.  I stayed right at her side.  We ran 5 minutes then we stopped and she let me sniff around a while.  She doesn't want me to overdo it.  Ha!  Then we ran some more then walked a while.  We kept it up for an hour.  We stopped at the river so I could get a drink.   I like going to the trail because there are always people there to tell me I am beautiful.  When I got home I was very tired.

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