Monday, September 10, 2012

A calendar for a dog

Every Christmas my people get a new calendar.  I get treats and toys but no one ever thinks to give me a calendar.  Consequently, I have trouble keeping my days straight.  When I was with TJ and Pat there were days where they both left and I had to stay home by myself.  After some of these days they would spend a whole day with me.  I am still figuring out Jim and Jean's calendar.  Most days Jean spends a lot of time in her office.  I like to hang out in her office with her.  Today Jean was in her office but I spent most of the day outside with Jim.  I helped him fix the crack in the patio.  I also brought the tennis ball back to him over and over.  After dinner Jean took me to the trail for a long walk.  It was a great day.

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