Sunday, September 9, 2012

Becoming a Missouri Dog

My name is Dexter.  I was born in Missouri.  I don't remember much about my mom or first home.  The best day of my life was when TJ and Pat came and got me.  At first they didn't want me.  They thought I looked like a possum and acted like a maniac.  They took me on a one week trail basis and fell in love.  I fell in love with them too.  I spent the next two years with them in Illinois.  Then we spent a year in Idaho.  Now I am back in Missouri with Jim and Jean.  I am happy here but I just know TJ and Pat will be back to get me.

Saturday September 8.  Charlie came to spend the night.  Charlie is kind of like my cousin.  Charlie never learned how to walk on a leash so when his people (Jen and John) want to go backpacking he stays with Jim and Jean too. 

TJ and Pat bought me an awesome pillow.  It's in the kitchen by my favorite window.

Charlie and I had a game of tennis ball.  In the spirit of good sportsmanship I let Charlie get the ball sometimes.

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