When I lived with TJ and Pat I could wander around the house whenever I wanted. I slept in their bed or right next to their bed. Jim and Jean let me explore the house during the day but for some reason they think I should sleep in the kitchen at night. I would much prefer to sleep in their room with them. Their kitchen has a doorway but no door so they bought a baby gate which they put up at night. I could easily jump over this gate if I wanted to. I am not a baby. But I humor them and stay in the kitchen on my soft comfy pillow. At night when they put the gate up I head straight to my pillow and go to bed. I am quiet all night. In the morning when I hear their alarm go off I whine a little because I know they are awake. When they come out in the morning I am waiting at the gate and I get very wiggly because I am so happy to see them.
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