Monday, September 24, 2012

Going through doors

At Jim and Jean's house the kitchen doubles as my bedroom.  This is a nice room with a window the perfect height for me to look out.  My big soft bed is there.  The kitchen has four doors.  One door goes out to the screen porch.  This door is always closed unless we are going to the porch.  The second door goes through the laundry room then out to the garage.  This door is also always closed unless we are going outside.  Then there is the doorway that has no door.  This door goes to the great room.  I go through this door all day but at night they put up a baby gate so I can't go through it.  The fourth door leads to the dining room.  It has a door that is open all day.  They close this door at night.  Last night Jean took me outside and told me to go to bed.  I curled up on my bed and dreamed about Idaho.  Jean forgot to close the door that leads to the dining room.  In the morning when I heard Jean's alarm go off, I got up and stretched, then I shook myself and noticed the dining room door was open.  Usually I have to wait in the kitchen until Jim or Jean come open the door and take down the gate.  I tiptoed through the door and walked around a bit.  Then I tiptoed back to Jim and Jean's bedroom.  They were surprised to see me.  Maybe someday they will let me sleep with them.

Today Jim played lots of tennis ball with me.  Tonight we went for a walk.  When we walked by Sammy's house we could see her in the window.  She barked and told her owner to let her out to see me.  We ran around her yard and played.

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