Most mornings I just get my dry dog food. Sometimes Jim and Jean have yogurt and I get to lick out the container. I don't get milk because I am lactose intolerant. Sometimes there is something special in the morning. This morning Jim made waffles for breakfast. He always makes extra for me. Since Charlie was here he made extra for Charlie too. First we get our regular dog food breakfast. Next Jim and Jean eat. Then we get our waffles. They are so good. Charlie is a very fast eater. He finishes his food before me even though he gets more food than I do.
Jim threw the frisbee for us. I found a stick but Jim said it was too big.
Charlie taught me something today. Jim and Jean have a little fish pond in the back. I don't mess with the pond. They told me I am not allowed to swim in it and I am very good and stay away. Today Charlie was running around the yard and he stopped at the pond for a drink of water. I never drank out of the pond but if Charlie did it I had to try it too. That fish water is pretty good.
This afternoon Jim and Jean went to a barbecue bash. They had ribs. They brought the bones home for Charlie and me.
It was a busy day. We needed a nap.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Charlie Again
Charlie is back. I like it when Charilie comes. We run around the yard and play. Charlie is a fun guy to have around.
Jim threw a stick for us.
Sometimes Charlie got the stick.
Jim and Jean have a big wood pile in the back yard. Charlie spends a lot of time sniffing around the wood pile. There's probably a chipmunk or something living in there. Charlie pokes his head in the pile and sniffs away. I don't see the big deal with the wood pile. I would rather chase a stick.
Jim threw a stick for us.
Sometimes Charlie got the stick.
Jim and Jean have a big wood pile in the back yard. Charlie spends a lot of time sniffing around the wood pile. There's probably a chipmunk or something living in there. Charlie pokes his head in the pile and sniffs away. I don't see the big deal with the wood pile. I would rather chase a stick.
Sometimes I just like chewing on a stick.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Hiking a new trail
Today Jean took a day off work. This means we got to sleep in. Jean took me for a short run this morning but it started raining so we came home. In the afternoon ran some errands and went for a long hike. First we went to deliver some pictures then we went by the library. We hiked the Arnold's Grove Trail by the Meramec River. It was a fun hike.
We hiked to Simpson Park where I got to get a drink in the lake.
When we left the park Jim put the seats down in the back of the Vibe. That gave me lots of room. I could be closer to Jim and Jean. I could stick my head out the window and feel the breeze.
On the way home Jim and Jean stopped at Lowe's. This was the first time they left me in the car by myself. Of course I was sitting in Jean's seat watching for them when they came out of the store.
We hiked to Simpson Park where I got to get a drink in the lake.
When we left the park Jim put the seats down in the back of the Vibe. That gave me lots of room. I could be closer to Jim and Jean. I could stick my head out the window and feel the breeze.
On the way home Jim and Jean stopped at Lowe's. This was the first time they left me in the car by myself. Of course I was sitting in Jean's seat watching for them when they came out of the store.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
New Driveway
Today I had a very important job. A crew of men came to resurface the driveway. The first man that got here threw the tennis ball for me while he was waiting for everyone else to show up. My job was to watch them work on the driveway. It looks very nice. After dinner we went for our regular walk through the subdivision. We always see a lot of deer on our evening walk.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
The Sky is Falling
Last night it thundered so loud it rattled the house and made the gate fall over. I'm not really sure how it happened, I was so scared. There was loud thunder and bright lightning all night. I was being very good curled up on my bed all by myself in the kitchen. I might have been leaning against the gate but I'm pretty sure the storm made the house shake and knock the gate over. I stayed in the kitchen not sure what to do. Jim got up and put the gate back up. He wasn't mad at me because he knew I was scared. I was very good and didn't cry much. I hope it doesn't storm like that again. I needed extra naps today I was so tired.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
I don't like storms
I don't like thunder. I don't like fireworks. I don't like loud banging noises. Today there was a lot of thunder. I was okay because I was in the house with Jim and Jean. The thunder does make me nervous. My heart beats faster and I like to be very close to my humans.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Going through doors
At Jim and Jean's house the kitchen doubles as my bedroom. This is a nice room with a window the perfect height for me to look out. My big soft bed is there. The kitchen has four doors. One door goes out to the screen porch. This door is always closed unless we are going to the porch. The second door goes through the laundry room then out to the garage. This door is also always closed unless we are going outside. Then there is the doorway that has no door. This door goes to the great room. I go through this door all day but at night they put up a baby gate so I can't go through it. The fourth door leads to the dining room. It has a door that is open all day. They close this door at night. Last night Jean took me outside and told me to go to bed. I curled up on my bed and dreamed about Idaho. Jean forgot to close the door that leads to the dining room. In the morning when I heard Jean's alarm go off, I got up and stretched, then I shook myself and noticed the dining room door was open. Usually I have to wait in the kitchen until Jim or Jean come open the door and take down the gate. I tiptoed through the door and walked around a bit. Then I tiptoed back to Jim and Jean's bedroom. They were surprised to see me. Maybe someday they will let me sleep with them.
Today Jim played lots of tennis ball with me. Tonight we went for a walk. When we walked by Sammy's house we could see her in the window. She barked and told her owner to let her out to see me. We ran around her yard and played.
Today Jim played lots of tennis ball with me. Tonight we went for a walk. When we walked by Sammy's house we could see her in the window. She barked and told her owner to let her out to see me. We ran around her yard and played.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Some work and some play
This morning I went to help Jim and Jean take pictures. Jean collects money and does paperwork. Jim lines up kids and takes pictures. My job is to be my hansome self and let the kids pet me.
Jim had to stay and take more pictures. Jean took me to Castewood State Park. I was so excited that Jen and John were there. Charlie didn't get to come because he gets too excited when he sees other dogs, people, squirrels, and birds. Jen and John went for a long run while Jean took me for a long walk. Then we met and had a snack. It was a beautiful day.
Today is Jen's birthday. She is ten times as old as I am.
When I got home I was tired so I took a nap.
Jim had to stay and take more pictures. Jean took me to Castewood State Park. I was so excited that Jen and John were there. Charlie didn't get to come because he gets too excited when he sees other dogs, people, squirrels, and birds. Jen and John went for a long run while Jean took me for a long walk. Then we met and had a snack. It was a beautiful day.
Today is Jen's birthday. She is ten times as old as I am.
When I got home I was tired so I took a nap.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Fall weather
Today Jim was gone taking pictures all day. Jean left to go for a run in the morning but then had the rest of the day to play with me. We played lots of tennis ball. One time I dropped the tennis ball and brought back a stick. I thought that would be fun to chase a stick for a while. I like the fall Missouri weather.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Today Jean worked for a while then tool a half day off. Jim and Jean took me to Castlewood State Park. It is a wonderful place with lots of trails and a river. We hiked on the River Scene Trail.
After we walked down the hill we came to a big field. Next something exciting happened. Jim found a stick and threw it for me. I had fun running for the stick.
After walking some more we came to the river. Jim found another stick and threw it in the river. I got to go swimming and get the stick. Jim is really good at throwing things like sticks and balls and frisbees. Jean tries but her throwing arm is not so strong. I still like playing fetch with her.
Then we walked some more and I got to go swimming in a little creek.
It was a fun day at the park. When we got home I had a bath. Now I am clean and fluffy and smell like apple blossom shampoo. After all that I needed a good nap.
We hiked up a big hill so we could see for miles.
After walking some more we came to the river. Jim found another stick and threw it in the river. I got to go swimming and get the stick. Jim is really good at throwing things like sticks and balls and frisbees. Jean tries but her throwing arm is not so strong. I still like playing fetch with her.
Then we walked some more and I got to go swimming in a little creek.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
I am not a baby
When I lived with TJ and Pat I could wander around the house whenever I wanted. I slept in their bed or right next to their bed. Jim and Jean let me explore the house during the day but for some reason they think I should sleep in the kitchen at night. I would much prefer to sleep in their room with them. Their kitchen has a doorway but no door so they bought a baby gate which they put up at night. I could easily jump over this gate if I wanted to. I am not a baby. But I humor them and stay in the kitchen on my soft comfy pillow. At night when they put the gate up I head straight to my pillow and go to bed. I am quiet all night. In the morning when I hear their alarm go off I whine a little because I know they are awake. When they come out in the morning I am waiting at the gate and I get very wiggly because I am so happy to see them.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Dog don't need electricity
Today was one of those days where Jean was spending the day in her office and Jim went to work somewhere. But then the electricity went out. It doesn't matter much to me if the power is out. Jean worked for a while until the battery on her computer was getting low. Then she took me for a run in the middle of the day. We ran through the subdivision at the top of the hill. There are a lot of dogs there and they all have electric fences. When the power is out their fences don't work so they get to come greet me. I met a little dog that had no teeth. When we got back the power was still out so we played tennis ball. I really don't have much need for electricity.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Breakfast for Dinner
Today was a beautiful day in Missouri. It reminded me of Idaho. It was cool and refreshing. I got to spend part of the afternoon outside enjoying the weather. For dinner Jim and Jean had waffles and they saved some for me! I really like waffles with syrup. Jim threw the tennis ball on the roof and I watched it roll down then caught it. After dinner we took a walk through the subdivision and I got to play with my friend Sammy. We chase each other in her yard.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Mensa for dogs
I am pretty smart. As a matter of fact if there were IQ tests for dogs, I'm sure I would be a genious and Mensa would want me to join. Jean is always amazed at how smart I am. Today she glanced out the window and said "oh, it's raining". I knew exactly what she was saying. I looked out the window and sighed because I knew that meant I couldn't play outside. It didn't rain long so I got to play tennis ball outside after all. Tonight Jim and Jean had pork steaks. I got some pork steak juice on my food and a real bone.!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
My Sunday
Today something terrible happened. Jean did not want me to put it in my blog but this is my blog so I am going to tell it how it is. Jim thought Jean fed me breakfast and Jean thought Jim fed me breakfast. They were both wrong. It was 9:30 a.m. before they figured out that I didn't get breakfast! They finally gave me my breakfast. Then Jean felt so bad I had extra treats, extra tennis ball sessions, extra loving and an extra long walk. I guess is wasn't so terrible after all. Actually it was a good day. We went to the trail for a nice long walk. There were lots of good smells along the way. Jean let me sniff all I wanted. When we got in the car go back home Jean put me in the back. I hopped over into the back seat. Jean made me go in the far back. It was worth a try. My dinner was right on time.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Charlie spent the night last night. He slept in the kitchen with me. I slept on my nice comfy pillow. He slept on a little rug. In the morning we played tennis ball. When Charlie is here I have to run fast to make sure I get the tennis ball. Jean will throw two balls so we each get one. Jean went for a long run today. I didn't get to go because she doesn't think that I am ready for a long run. This afternoon when we were outside playing Charlie disappeared. Jean was very worried. She called for him. I tried to show her where he went. She went inside to put hiking shoes on so we could go find him but when we went back out he was waiting on the driveway. He was only missing five minutes.
Friday, September 14, 2012
He's Back
Charlie is here for the weekend. Jen and John are going to something called Gauleyfest to go whitewater rafting. Charlie can't go because the water is too fast for him. Charlie and I both like to chase the tennis ball. Jean would throw two balls so we each got to chase one. Tonight at dinner time I stood in the kitchen and sniffed the air. There was the most wonderful smell. Jim and Jean had pork steaks for dinner. They smelled really, really good. They saved some for Charlie and me. This is a special treat for me since I have been living with vegetarians the last three years. They didn't feed me real meat. My dog food is supposed to have meat in it but it's nothing like delicious pork steaks.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Learning New Tricks
Today was a good day. Jim threw the frisbee for me. I just love my frisbee.
Tonight Jean decided she was going to teach me to be her running partner. It's the most ridiculous thing I every heard of. I don't need to be taught to run. I am already quite good at it. We went to our favorite trail and took off for a run. To tell you the truth Jean does not run that fast. When she is running I am usually just walking fast. It went very well. I stayed right at her side. We ran 5 minutes then we stopped and she let me sniff around a while. She doesn't want me to overdo it. Ha! Then we ran some more then walked a while. We kept it up for an hour. We stopped at the river so I could get a drink. I like going to the trail because there are always people there to tell me I am beautiful. When I got home I was very tired.
Tonight Jean decided she was going to teach me to be her running partner. It's the most ridiculous thing I every heard of. I don't need to be taught to run. I am already quite good at it. We went to our favorite trail and took off for a run. To tell you the truth Jean does not run that fast. When she is running I am usually just walking fast. It went very well. I stayed right at her side. We ran 5 minutes then we stopped and she let me sniff around a while. She doesn't want me to overdo it. Ha! Then we ran some more then walked a while. We kept it up for an hour. We stopped at the river so I could get a drink. I like going to the trail because there are always people there to tell me I am beautiful. When I got home I was very tired.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Dogs have friends too
Today was one of those days where Jean spent the day in her office and Jim went to work. That means I had to watch the rest of the house myself. I like to lay in the foyer so I can see in as many rooms as possible. After dinner Jim and Jean took me for a walk up the hill through the subdivision. There is a dog named Sammy that lives up there. She is outside a lot of times and I get to run around her yard and play chase. I am always excited when she is outside.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Going for a ride
For some reason when Jean and Jim take me for a ride I have to ride in the back. I can look out the window and see where I have been. I would rather sit in the front seat and see where I am going. These people think I am a dog or something.
Monday, September 10, 2012
A calendar for a dog
Every Christmas my people get a new calendar. I get treats and toys but no one ever thinks to give me a calendar. Consequently, I have trouble keeping my days straight. When I was with TJ and Pat there were days where they both left and I had to stay home by myself. After some of these days they would spend a whole day with me. I am still figuring out Jim and Jean's calendar. Most days Jean spends a lot of time in her office. I like to hang out in her office with her. Today Jean was in her office but I spent most of the day outside with Jim. I helped him fix the crack in the patio. I also brought the tennis ball back to him over and over. After dinner Jean took me to the trail for a long walk. It was a great day.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Becoming a Missouri Dog
My name is Dexter. I was born in Missouri. I don't remember much about my mom or first home. The best day of my life was when TJ and Pat came and got me. At first they didn't want me. They thought I looked like a possum and acted like a maniac. They took me on a one week trail basis and fell in love. I fell in love with them too. I spent the next two years with them in Illinois. Then we spent a year in Idaho. Now I am back in Missouri with Jim and Jean. I am happy here but I just know TJ and Pat will be back to get me.
Saturday September 8. Charlie came to spend the night. Charlie is kind of like my cousin. Charlie never learned how to walk on a leash so when his people (Jen and John) want to go backpacking he stays with Jim and Jean too.
TJ and Pat bought me an awesome pillow. It's in the kitchen by my favorite window.
Charlie and I had a game of tennis ball. In the spirit of good sportsmanship I let Charlie get the ball sometimes.
Saturday September 8. Charlie came to spend the night. Charlie is kind of like my cousin. Charlie never learned how to walk on a leash so when his people (Jen and John) want to go backpacking he stays with Jim and Jean too.
TJ and Pat bought me an awesome pillow. It's in the kitchen by my favorite window.
Charlie and I had a game of tennis ball. In the spirit of good sportsmanship I let Charlie get the ball sometimes.
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