Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Another day

Sometimes in the evening when Jim and Jean are watching TV, I get tired so I put myself to bed.  I just walk in the kitchen and lay on my bed.  Last night Jim didn't put the gate up or close the door.  I stayed on my bed all night.  I heard someone get up at 5 a.m. to go to the bathroom so I thought it was morning.  I walked back to the bedroom.  Apparently they weren't ready to start the day.  Jim told me to go back to bed.  I did and I stayed there until I heard the alarm go off then I came back to the bedroom.

Jim gave me waffles for breakfast and it isn't even Sunday.  I really enjoy pancakes.

Jean took me for a run at lunchtime.  I was more interested in sniffing around than in running.

I helped Jim outside all afternoon.  It was a nice day.

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