Monday, October 29, 2012

My camping trip day 1

You may have noticed that I have not written in my blog for a few days.  That is because Jim and Jean took me camping.  We left home Thursday night.  Jim put the back seat down in the Envoy and he put my pillow right behind his seat.  That is where I got to ride.  I liked to look out the window but mostly I slept on my pillow.

Our first stop was the farm where we picked up the camper.  I like the farm.  It's the first place TJ and Pat took my when I was a puppy.  I also like it because Rusty lives there.  Rusty is a beautiful Australian Shepard like me.  He is my half brother.  I don't know what the other half of him is but I know half of him is my brother.
We spent the night at the farm because it was late.  I slept in the closed in back porch because Jim and Jean don't want anything to happen to me.  Rusty is a farm dog.  He goes on adventures at night sometimes.

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