Friday, October 12, 2012

A Long Hike and Company

Today Jean took the day off work.  This is good because Jean likes to take long hikes and I get to go.  We went to Castlewood.  It wasn't very crowded so I got to walk without being on the leash.  I was very good and stayed close to Jim and Jean.  Sometimes I ran ahead but I came right back when they called me.  We hiked 7.5 miles.  It was a beautiful day.

Guess who came for dinner and to spend the weekend?  Tiffany.  She brought Dale and Tammy with her.  Tiffany is a very small dog.  She tried out my pillow.  I am good at sharing.
Tiffany gets to sit on the couch.  I don't get to sit on the furniture. 
It was a busy day.  I was tired and needed a nap.


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