Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Today I helped Jim outside.  Jean took a break from her work to take me for a walk.  I really needed to stay and help Jim but Jean made me go for a walk with her.  I'm glad Jean didn't dress me up in a silly costume for halloween.  I wore my bandana and got extra treats to celebrate.  Since our house sits by itself up a long driveway we don't expect to have any Trick or Treaters.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Something new

Today Jim and Jean went shopping.  I don't get to go shopping with them.  I have to stay home and watch the house.  Usually they come home with bags and put the stuff away and I don't pay much attention.  Today there was something for me in one of the bags - a whole bag of rawhides to chew on.  I was happy to have a new rawhide.

I helped Jim outside with wood.  Jen and John came for dinner.  I was happy to see them. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

My last day of camping

Today was like the first day in reverse.  We packed up our camp, went to the farm, dropped off the camper, played with Rusty then headed home.
On the way home we stopped at a store for a few minutes.  I had to stay in the car.  I jumped to the front seat so I could watch things better. 

I was happy to be home.  I helped unpack.  Then I needed a bath.

My camping trip day 4

At camp I was the most beautiful dog.  Charlie was the friendliest dog.  He wanted to make friends with all the people, dogs and skunks in camp.  Fortunately he did not make friends with the skunk even though he wanted to.

Jen, John and Charlie left after breakfast.  They had to go home so Jen could go back to work.  Jean took vacation from work so we could stay stay another day.  We went on another long hike.
Then we went to the creek so Jim could go fishing.  I don't understand fishing.  He keeps throwing something in the water.  I am not allowed to chase it.  I like to chase things that people throw for me.  It's called fishing but I never saw any fish.

Jean threw a stick for me to fetch.

Sometimes I just like to chew on my stick.

When we got back to camp I was tired and needed a nap.

My camping trip day 3

We took a long hike today to a fire tower.  We didn't see other people on the trail so Charlie and I got to be off the leash.
We walked to the Big Creek.  I had a drink of water.
Charlie, Jen and John posed for a picture.

We came back to camp.  The humans had lunch.  Next we went for a canoe ride.  Jim and Jean were in their kayaks.  Jen and John took me in the canoe.  Charlie stayed in the camper.  He is not an experienced canoer like me.  We didn't go on a very long canoe ride.  It was cold and windy and the current was swift.  We played stick on the shore.  I love playing stick with Jen and John.
When we got back to camp I was tired and needed a nap.

My camping trip day 2

Today we got up and got ready to go camping.  Jim and Jean  cleaned out the camper and got it hook up to the Envoy.  Rusty and I supervised.
Rusty did not get to go camping.  We drove to Sam A. Baker State Park.  It was not a very long drive.  I helped Jim and Jean set up camp.  When I camped with TJ and Pat we always slept in a tent.  Jim and Jean have a camper to sleep in. 
We took a walk to a creek.

Then something really exciting happened.  Charlie came and he brought Jen and John with him.  It is so much fun to have them along.  Charlie slept in a tent with Jen and John.  I slept on my bed in the camper.  When I camped with TJ and Pat I slept in a sleeping bag.  I don't need a sleeping bag in the camper because Jim turns on the heater.

My camping trip day 1

You may have noticed that I have not written in my blog for a few days.  That is because Jim and Jean took me camping.  We left home Thursday night.  Jim put the back seat down in the Envoy and he put my pillow right behind his seat.  That is where I got to ride.  I liked to look out the window but mostly I slept on my pillow.

Our first stop was the farm where we picked up the camper.  I like the farm.  It's the first place TJ and Pat took my when I was a puppy.  I also like it because Rusty lives there.  Rusty is a beautiful Australian Shepard like me.  He is my half brother.  I don't know what the other half of him is but I know half of him is my brother.
We spent the night at the farm because it was late.  I slept in the closed in back porch because Jim and Jean don't want anything to happen to me.  Rusty is a farm dog.  He goes on adventures at night sometimes.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Going Camping

Guess what?  We are going camping.  I used to go camping with TJ and Pat all the time but this is the first time Jim and Jean are taking me camping.   I am so excited.  I am supervising the packing.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A special day

Today is a special day.  Everyone is happy.  There is cake and phone calls and singing.  Do you know what we are celebrating?  Two months ago today I came to Missouri to stay with Jim and Jean.  So it's my special day.  Oh yeah - we are also celebrating Jean's birthday.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gaining Trust

Today we worked outside again.  It's hard work keeping track of all the sticks in the yard.  Jim and Jean left for an hour.  They decided to leave me home and not put up a gate or close the dining room door.  I could roam around the house like I do when they are home.  They finally trust me. 

We had 13 turkeys in the yard this morning.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A good day for a long walk

Today was 80 degrees.  Jim and Jean took me to Castlewood State Park for a long walk.  The park was busy with lots of people, dogs and bikes.  Everyone who passes us tells me how beautiful I am.  No one ever says anything about Jim and Jean so we know who is the prettiest.
We walked to to top of the bluff where we have a great view of the river.

We walked through the woods where the maple trees are pretty yellow.

We stopped at a creek where I got a drink of water.

It was such a nice day I decided to take a swim.

We walked 6.5 miles up and down the  hills.  When it was time to go home I jumped in the car and laid down.  I was tired.

When we got home we walked over to where the vineyard will be.  Jim threw a stick for me.  It was a fun day.  It was Sunday but we did not have waffles.  Jim felt bad so he gave me a bite of ham for lunch.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A walk, a run, a nap

Today Jim went to a wedding.  I like weddings.  TJ and Pat had a wedding.  They looked pretty good but I was the star of the day.  I was handsome in my bow tie and everyone thought I looked great walking down the aisle.  Jim won't take me to weddings with him even though I am an experienced ring bearer.

Jean took me for a walk in the neighborhood.  There were garage sales at some of the houses.  Jean stopped and a house and talked to the people.  They lived right up the hill from us.  The man offered to hold my leash while she went in the garage.  He walked me around his yard and told me to sit and shake.  He thought I was very smart.

Next Jean took me for a run at Castlewood.  I like to sniff around.  It was a nice day so there were a lot of dogs and people at the park.

When we got home I was tired and fell asleep in the hallway.
Then took a nap in the great room.

The Jim came home and we watched football.

Friday, October 19, 2012

More work, sticks and turkeys

Jim and worked outside again all day.  I was tired and was happy to watch Jim work.  It's been a busy week chasing sticks.  Of course I did fetch the sticks today.

There are a flock of 8 turkeys that walk through the property most days.  I watch them through the window.  After they leave I go out and sniff around the area where they were walking.

I like to watch Jim eat.  He likes to give me bites of meat - real meat - not the vegetarian kind. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Lots of sticks

Today Jim and I spent the whole day outside working.  Jim is cutting up wood and I am keeping track of the sticks.  Jim threw the stick a lot of times for me.  We got a lot of work done.  I took a long drink from the pond.  Now I am tired and need a nap.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A beautiful fall

Today Jim was gone all day working.  That means I have to help Jean work.  I would rather help Jim outside.  Jean took me for a walk at lunchtime.  The trees are beautiful.  I am enjoying the fall in Missouri.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Another day

Sometimes in the evening when Jim and Jean are watching TV, I get tired so I put myself to bed.  I just walk in the kitchen and lay on my bed.  Last night Jim didn't put the gate up or close the door.  I stayed on my bed all night.  I heard someone get up at 5 a.m. to go to the bathroom so I thought it was morning.  I walked back to the bedroom.  Apparently they weren't ready to start the day.  Jim told me to go back to bed.  I did and I stayed there until I heard the alarm go off then I came back to the bedroom.

Jim gave me waffles for breakfast and it isn't even Sunday.  I really enjoy pancakes.

Jean took me for a run at lunchtime.  I was more interested in sniffing around than in running.

I helped Jim outside all afternoon.  It was a nice day.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Helping Jim

Today I spent most of the day outside helping Jim.  Jim was cutting up wood with his chain saw.  I stayed away from the saw and enjoyed the day outside.

After dinner Jean was taking me for a walk.  We were heading up the hill to the subdivision and I heard what sounded like gun shots.  I turned around and pulled Jean back to the house as fast as I could.  She could not convince me to take a walk. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Staying Home

Today the humans went fun places.  They went to the zoo and Grant's Farm.  For some reasons dogs are not allowed at the zoo.  The zoo is full of animals - what the heck?  I would really like to go to the zoo.  And Grant's Farm is a farm - who ever heard of a farm with no dogs?  Anyway I had to stay home with Tiffany.  I spent the day in the kitchen and Tiffany was in the laundry room.  When they got home they threw the tennis ball and a stick.  Tiffany does not really like to chase a tennis ball or a stick.  A tennis ball is bigger than her head so she would have a problem picking it up.  Tiffany is a nice dog but she doesn't play with me.