Thursday, October 22, 2015


I have a lot to tell you.  I have been camping with Jim and Jean.  We went to Washington State Park.  I had so much fun.  I met some other dogs.  First I met Walter.  He was a little dog from Chicago.
Then I met Buzz.  He was really big.  I was scared of him at first but he was nice.
We took lots of hikes through the woods.  There were a lot of good smells on the way.
We stopped at the river so I could get a drink and take a swim.
 We took more hikes.  We hiked every trail in the park.
 One time my foot started to hurt Jim checked it and rubbed it then it felt better and I kept hiking.
 There were creeks to get a nice cool drink of water.
 After a busy day hiking we needed a nap.
 We took another hike and I got to chase a stick in the river.

 We also went for a canoe ride.  I like the canoe
I was so tired at the end of the day.  I like camping.

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