Saturday, October 10, 2015

A good day for a hike

This morning Jim and Jean left to take some pictures.  This afternoon we took a long walk on the Cedar Bluff Trail.  To get to the trail you have to walk through a tunnel.  The tunnel goes underneath the railroad tracks.  There was a train going by so the tunnel was noisy.
It was a nice hike.  There are not many people on the Cedar Bluff Trail so I got to be off the leash most of the time.  I have not been on that trail for a long time so there were many great scents I had to check out.

We had to walk through the tunnel on the way back.  There was not a train this time so it was quiet. 

When we got back to the car I was very tired after the long hike.  Jim helps me into the car sometimes when I'm tired.

We got home in time for dinner then we watched the Cardinal game.

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