Friday, March 13, 2015


Today there was another kitten in the garage.  Jim caught it and put in in the kennel.  It was a darker color than the other two kittens we saw but I think it was their brother or maybe sister.  Jean thinks it's cute.  Of course I am cuter.
It rained all day so I did not get to play outside much.  After dinner Jim and Jean went shopping and bought cat litter and cat food.  Next week we are going to take the kitten to the farm.  Grandpa needs a cat for his barn.  I thought the cat food smelled good but I didn't get to have any.  It is just for the kitty.  We are not sure if there is another kitten in the garage still or if the other two left.  Jim left some food in a bowl outside the kennel.  We are going to see if it is gone in the morning.  I like the kitten but we can't keep it.

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