Today I was outside with Jim. He was working hard. and I was resting in the sun.
Jim heard a critter in the garage. I went to sniff around. I am always curious about critters. I knew there was something in there behind some stuff. I could hear it. It was making critter noises like hisses.
There was something! Do you know what it was? It was a kitten.
It was a wild little thing. It was not tame at all. It was hissing and making all kinds of kitten noises. It kept hiding when Jim or Jean went near. It was scared of me even though I wouldn't hurt it. Jean went for a run and Jim kept working. Then there were two kittens! Jim was going to catch them and find them a home. He managed to catch one and put in the a box. The other one ran away. Then he got out my old kennel and washed it out. When he got my kennel out of the shed he found three baby mice. The cat escaped when he was trying to transfer it from the box to the kennel. Then then mice were in the box.
The mice were boring. I was much more interested in the kitten. When the kitten escaped it ran up a tree. Jim tried to get it out but it just ran higher. That kitten did not understand that Jim and Jean are nice people and would not hurt it.
It has been an exciting day around here.
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