Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Helping Jim

Today I helped Jim outside.  He planted flower seeds and I played tennis ball and rested in the shade.  After dinner we took a nice walk in the subdivision.  When we got back there was a cat in the yard.  It ran off.  I went to look for it but I couldn't find it.  I would like to have a pet cat.

Monday, March 30, 2015

My Birthdayt

Last week I had my birthday.  I am six years old.  I was at Becky and Mark's house on my birthday.  I got lots of loving on my birthday.  Today I got a Birthday Card in the mail from TJ and Pat.  I opened it all by myself.  It had a cookie inside.

Today I helped Jim outside.  We are getting the ground ready to plant a garden.  I don't really care about the garden because I am not fond of tomatoes and peppers but I do like being outside helping Jim.  Then Jim and Jean took me for a nice 6 mile run.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

My small herd

I am back home with Jim and Jean.  They are a small herd and very easy to keep track of.  I liked my herd of children I was in charge of last week.  I hope Doodlebug can handle them without me.  I was sad today missing them.  I am a working dog and I like having work to do.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

My Week

You may have noticed that I have not blogged for a while.  I have been very busy.  Jim and Jean went on vacation.  They left me with Becky and Mark.  This is a very important job for me because I have to herd four small humans.  I will tell you about my herd.  First there is Hannah she is very pretty and likes to play with me.  Next there is Aaron.  He goes to school and has to do homework.  Then there is Dillon.  The smallest one is Kayden.  I have to keep track of all of these small humans.  I don't know how Doodlebug does it all by herself.  I had a good time at their house but I was happy to see Jim and Jean.  I was exhausted and slept all they way home.  Tonight I was a little sad because I missed my herd of little humans.  I hope I see them again soon.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Spa Day

Today I helped Jim outside.  Then I had my hair brushed and a bath.  Now I am clean and fluffy.  I have a very important job coming up.  I am going to babysit four children.  I like children because they like to throw the tennis ball for me.  They also share their food with me.  When I lived in Idaho with TJ and Pat they used to leave me with a family when they went out of town.  The family had a little girl.  She was little enough that she sat in a high chair but big enough to walk around.  I babysat her for two weeks.  I am a very experienced babysitter.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Another spring day

Today was another beautiful spring day.  I helped Jim outside.  I played some tennis ball.
Then Jim and I relaxed on the deck.  It was a wonderful day.
TJ and Pat sent me a post card.  It was from Death Valley.  That does not sound like a very nice place but they seem to like it.
I would really like to play with my kitten.  A lot of my dog friends have pet cats.  Sammie has a cat and Buddy has a cat.  I was thinking that this kitten would be my pet cat.  I really like it.  Jim and Jean don't let me get close to it.  Today it ate food out of Jim's hand.  It is getting less wild.  I would like to try the cat food.  It is shaped like little fish.  I am not allowed to eat the cat's food.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

A nice day for a walk

Today was a beautiful warm, sunny day.  Jim and Jean took me to the trail for a walk.  There were lots of people and dogs on the trail.
There was water in the creek.  A lot of the time the creek is dry but we have had some rain this week.  The creek water is delicious.
I met some dogs on the trail.  I met a mini Australian Shepard.  Mini Aussies look just like me but they are very small.  They are very nice dogs.  This little aussies was 9 years old. 
Then I met a mixed breed named Lyla.  She had a blue eye and a brown eye just like me.  She was part husky, part pointer and part something else.  She was a very friendly dog.

When we got home we had dinner.  Jim and Jean had dinner on the deck.  They finally let me come on the deck with the kitten.  Now let me tell you something about this kitten.  It is allowed to sit in the people's chairs.  I am not allowed on the furniture and they let this little cat sit on the chair.  I was very good and I did not bother the kitty.  The kitten didn't seem to mind me either.  I did not get close to it.
Jim and Jean had chicken for dinner.  They gave me a little chicken.  They gave the kitten a little chicken too.  The kitten liked the chicken.  So did I.  You can see the kitten on the chair watching me.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

More kitten news

Today Jim and Jean decided that they would let the kitten walk around on the sun porch.  It can't escape but it has room to walk around.  Jim put the kennel out there and opened the door.  It took a long time for the kitten to come out of the kennel but it did.  I would like to go out and make friends with it but Jim and Jean won't let me.

Friday, March 13, 2015


Today there was another kitten in the garage.  Jim caught it and put in in the kennel.  It was a darker color than the other two kittens we saw but I think it was their brother or maybe sister.  Jean thinks it's cute.  Of course I am cuter.
It rained all day so I did not get to play outside much.  After dinner Jim and Jean went shopping and bought cat litter and cat food.  Next week we are going to take the kitten to the farm.  Grandpa needs a cat for his barn.  I thought the cat food smelled good but I didn't get to have any.  It is just for the kitty.  We are not sure if there is another kitten in the garage still or if the other two left.  Jim left some food in a bowl outside the kennel.  We are going to see if it is gone in the morning.  I like the kitten but we can't keep it.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

More work

Today I helped Jim wash the cars.  It was another nice day to be outside.  The kitten is still in our garage.  Jim tried to catch it but it is a quick little thing.
Jim barbecued on the deck.  I got to have some chicken it was so good.

Jean is so happy that her flowers are blooming.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Today I was outside with Jim.  He was working hard. and I was resting in the sun.

Jim heard a critter in the garage.  I went to sniff around.  I am always curious about critters.  I knew there was something in there behind some stuff.  I could hear it.  It was making critter noises like hisses.
There was something!  Do you know what it was?  It was a kitten.
It was a wild little thing.  It was not tame at all.  It was hissing and making all kinds of kitten noises.  It kept hiding when Jim or Jean went near.  It was scared of me even though I wouldn't hurt it.  Jean went for a run and Jim kept working.  Then there were two kittens!  Jim was going to catch them and find them a home.  He managed to catch one and put in the a box.  The other one ran away.  Then he got out my old kennel and washed it out.  When he got my kennel out of the shed he found three baby mice.  The cat escaped when he was trying to transfer it from the box to the kennel.  Then then mice were in the box. 
The mice were boring.  I was much more interested in the kitten.  When the kitten escaped it ran up a tree.  Jim tried to get it out but it just ran higher.  That kitten did not understand that Jim and Jean are nice people and would not hurt it.

It has been an exciting day around here.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Waiting for Jim

Jim went to run errands today.  I miss Jim when he is gone.  I am so happy when he gets home.  I see his car from the window then I wait and the door for him to come in.  I love Jim.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Peanut Butter

Last year I had put on a few pounds.  Jim and Jean put my on a strict diet.  This diet means I get very little human food.  I am trim and beautiful but I have to stay on this diet.  Once in a while I get a treat.  Today I got to lick out the peanut butter jar.  This is my very favorite thing.  It takes Jim and Jean a long time to eat a jar of peanut butter so this does not happen very often but when it does I am so happy.
Today Jim went to the store and bought some wood.  This is good news for me because I got to be outside and help him cut the wood.  It was a nice day to be outside.

Jean took me for a run in the neighborhood.  None of my friends were out but a couple of little kids petted me.  I like kids they are like humans but they are smaller.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

A very good Sunday

This morning we had waffles.  Waffles are my favorite breakfast food.  We went to Charlie's house after lunch.  Jen and John were there too.  On the way home we stopped at the trail in Valley Park by the river and took a nice long walk.  It was a nice warm day.  Then because it is daylight savings time I got my dinner earlier that I am used to.  It was a very good day.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

A boring day then a run

Today Jim and Jean left me all day.  They gave me breakfast then let me be outside a little while then they put me in the house and said bye and drove off.  They did not get home to give me my lunchtime treat.  I just took a long nap.  I like to take a nap in the sunshine.  They went all the way to Cape Girardeau to visit Country Grandma in the hospital.  They came back in time to take me for a nice run.  We ran 4.5 miles on the Rock Hollow Trail.  Then we came home and I had my dinner.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Those darn deer

Those darn deer messed up Jim's fence around the vineyard.  I would be happy to herd the deer away but I am not allowed to chase the deer. 

Today I helped Jim fix his fence.  I also played some tennis ball.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Lots of People

Today we had people here to make friends with.  First the heating and cooling guys came to put in the new heater and air conditioner.  They really liked me and I liked them.  They made friends with me right away.  They talked to me and petted me.  We were real pals by the end of the day.  Then Jean's  quilting friend came I made friends with her.  She thought I was beautiful and smart and well behaved.

TJ and Pat sent me a post card all the way from California.  They are far, far away and I have not seen them for a long time.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

More Snow

It snowed a little bit last night.  It was not much but it was enough that Jim and I got to go outside and shovel.  I found a stick to chew on then I chased the tennis ball.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Playing in the Basement

Tonight Jim and Jean did their workout on the exercise equipment in the basement.  Jim threw the ball for me lots and lots of times.  We were all tired after our work outs.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Breakfast for Dinner

I always know what the humans are eating.  I can smell it.  Sometimes I get a little taste.  Breakfast is usually cereal or yogurt.  Lunch is sandwiches and fruit.  Dinner is vegetables and meat.  My breakfast and dinner is dog food.  At lunch I get a dog biscuit.  The same thing everyday and I like it like that.  Tonight Jim and Jean had waffles for dinner.  Everyone knows that waffles are breakfast food.  I was happy because I had a half a waffle!  The snow is still here.  Jim and Jean took me for a walk in the neighborhood so I could make some yellow snow.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Playing in the snow

It snowed again!  I am so happy.  I love the snow.  Since it is Sunday Jean spent the morning outside with Jim and me.  I found my orange ball and she threw it over and over again.  When I get tired I like to lay down in the snow and rest.  We had so much fun outside.

 When we came in I have my lunchtime dog treat and then I needed a nap.  I was exhausted.