Saturday, November 1, 2014

Helping Jim Cook

This morning Jim and Jean got up early.  I like it when they get up early because I get my breakfast early.  They went for a race.  They weren't gone long so they must have run fast.  Then I helped Jim make Chili.  They are going to a chili party tonight and they are bringing white chicken chili.  I helped by eating some of the chicken scraps.  Then we went for a walk in the neighborhood.  I saw my friend Maddie but my friend Sammie was not outside.  Then we went by Jim and Jean's friends Bill and Sarah's house.  They invited us in.  They like me so I got to go in too.  They are nice people but they don't have any dog toys.  They let me walk around the house and do whatever I wanted.  It was a nice day.

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