Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

You may have noticed I have not posted my Blog for a few days.  I have been away having fun!

We packed up the car on Tuesday and went hiking.  First we went to Hughes Mountain.  Jim and Jean wore orange vests and I wore a bright bandanna because is was hunting season and we didn't want to be mistaken for a deer.  We don't look anything like deer.  I was happy we didn't hear any gunshots.

Next we went to Taum Sauk Mountain and hiked to the highest point in Missouri.  We also so the tallest waterfall.
Then we went to the farm.  I brought one of my tennis balls to play with.
 I played with my friend Lady.
 We walked up to the pond where I could get a nice cool drink.
 There are lots of sticks on the farm.
 On Thanksgiving Charlie came.  He brought Jen and John with him.  We all had a good Thanksgiving dinner.  Grandpa knows how to feed a dog.  We get canned dog food and lots of table scraps.  I just love the farm.  After a busy day Charlie and I got to come in the house and watch football.

Now I am home.  Jim and Jean took me for a 5 mile run this afternoon.  I had a bath and now I am clean and fluffy and very tired.

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