Today the weather is warm. The humans don't even need coats. We went for a nice walk on the Al Foster Trail. There was water in the creek so I could get a drink.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Early to Bed
Today we got up and decorated for Christmas. We had to get the tree out. This is an inside tree. It doesn't smell like a tree at all. Jim and Jean fuss with it and put lights and ornaments on it. Then we all went outside and put up lights outside. That was fun. Jean threw the tennis ball over and over for me. Then she brushed me. Then she cleaned the leaves out of the pond. It was a nice warm day. The fish were all out swimming around. I drop my ball in the pond when Jean is not paying attention to me. I was so tired from all that work I put myself to be early.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving
You may have noticed I have not posted my Blog for a few days. I have been away having fun!
We packed up the car on Tuesday and went hiking. First we went to Hughes Mountain. Jim and Jean wore orange vests and I wore a bright bandanna because is was hunting season and we didn't want to be mistaken for a deer. We don't look anything like deer. I was happy we didn't hear any gunshots.
Next we went to Taum Sauk Mountain and hiked to the highest point in Missouri. We also so the tallest waterfall.
Then we went to the farm. I brought one of my tennis balls to play with.
I played with my friend Lady.
We walked up to the pond where I could get a nice cool drink.
There are lots of sticks on the farm.
On Thanksgiving Charlie came. He brought Jen and John with him. We all had a good Thanksgiving dinner. Grandpa knows how to feed a dog. We get canned dog food and lots of table scraps. I just love the farm. After a busy day Charlie and I got to come in the house and watch football.
Now I am home. Jim and Jean took me for a 5 mile run this afternoon. I had a bath and now I am clean and fluffy and very tired.
We packed up the car on Tuesday and went hiking. First we went to Hughes Mountain. Jim and Jean wore orange vests and I wore a bright bandanna because is was hunting season and we didn't want to be mistaken for a deer. We don't look anything like deer. I was happy we didn't hear any gunshots.
Next we went to Taum Sauk Mountain and hiked to the highest point in Missouri. We also so the tallest waterfall.
Then we went to the farm. I brought one of my tennis balls to play with.
I played with my friend Lady.
We walked up to the pond where I could get a nice cool drink.
There are lots of sticks on the farm.
On Thanksgiving Charlie came. He brought Jen and John with him. We all had a good Thanksgiving dinner. Grandpa knows how to feed a dog. We get canned dog food and lots of table scraps. I just love the farm. After a busy day Charlie and I got to come in the house and watch football.
Now I am home. Jim and Jean took me for a 5 mile run this afternoon. I had a bath and now I am clean and fluffy and very tired.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Going Hiking
Today Jean is off work. We are going hiking on a new trail we have never been on before. I am so excited. I am going to have fun, fun, fun.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Exercise Inside
Jean and Jim like to exercise every day. They make sure I exercise everyday also. They like to take walks and runs. I go with them. Sometimes our exercise is working outside. This morning we got up and it was raining. Their computers told them it was going to rain all day. We exercised inside. Jim and Jean exercised on their exercise machines. They threw the tennis ball in the basement for me.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Happy Anniversary
Today Jim and Jean celebrate their wedding anniversary. Anniversaries are when you celebrate a year from something important happening. The more important anniversary is when I came to live with Jim and Jean. It has been over two years. Today we went for a walk on the Rock Hollow Trail. We went there because it is paved and we have had rain. Jim thought I would not get muddy. I still had be toweled off when we got home. Jim and Jean went out to dinner and brought me home prime rib. It was delicious.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Helping Jim
Today I helped Jim outside. We move the wood around a lot in the winter. It is warmer and the snow has melted. I like being outside with Jim, I the evening I am tire and I take a nap after dinner.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Jim is a photographer. I am a photographer's assistant. I am really good at making people smile. Sometimes he does not want me to help him with photography. Today he had a portrait and I had to wait in Jean's office. I spent the whole time staring at the door. After that Jim and I spent the afternoon outside getting firewood and playing tennis ball.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
My Wednesday
Today Jim went out to lunch with his friends. Sometimes Jim has lunch with his friends. Sometimes Jean has lunch with her friends. Sometimes they both have lunch with their friends. I never, ever, ever get to have lunch with my friends. Do you know why? Because I don't get lunch. I don't know who decided that dogs don't need lunch. I am starving by dinner time. Today I was hungry at 3:30. I went into Jean's office and gave her my best starving look and then my best whine. But she told me I had to wait. Then I tried Jim and he told me I had to wait. I spent a lot of time waiting.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Another Cold Day
It was another cold day. I mean really cold, record breaking cold. It is still fall but is sure feels like winter. I don't mind the cold much but we don't do much outside work when it is cold and windy. I help Jim get firewood and that's about it. I have a sore foot and Jim and Jean are not letting me run around anyway.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Waiting for people
I spend a lot of my time waiting for people. In the morning I wait for them to get up and give me breakfast. This morning after breakfast we went outside and shoveled the driveway. I played in the snow. I couldn't find a tennis ball so I found a stick. Jim worked on his wine in the basement. I waited for him to throw the ball for me. Then in the evening Jean worked out on the Nordic Track. I waited for her to be done so she would throw the ball.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
This morning Jim and Jean slept in. They went to a party last night and got home late. This means my breakfast was late. After breakfast we took a nice walk on the trail. It was just beginning to snow,
After we got home from our walk it started snowing harder. The snow covered the grass. Jean went outside. I staying in the garage at first because I didn't want to get my feet icy.
Then I went outside and played in the snow.
After we got home from our walk it started snowing harder. The snow covered the grass. Jean went outside. I staying in the garage at first because I didn't want to get my feet icy.
Then I went outside and played in the snow.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Hunting Season
I do not like hunting season. Hunting season is when humans get up early and shoot guns. Everyone knows that gunshots along with thunder and fireworks are very scary. This morning I heard gun shots early and did not like it. Today Jim and Jean took me for a 4 mile run on the trail. It was a nice day for a run. Then I needed to take a nap while Jim watched football.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Running with Jean
Today Jean took me for a run. I am training her for her next race. She doesn't run nearly as fast as I can. I just trot along beside her and make her think she is fast.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Another Work Day
This morning we got up early. Jim and I went to the farm again. We finished our project of trimming the trees and bushes off the dam. I had
so many sticks to keep track of. I slept all the way home. I was so tired. When Jean went to the basement to work out on her Nordic Track I went down and watched her. Then she threw the ball for me a few times. It is cold here now. Jim started a fire in the wood furnace. I help him go outside and get wood. I have so much work to do around here.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Cold Weather
Today the weather turned cold. I like the cold weather. I loved Idaho. I used to live there with TJ and Pat. We had a nice apartment. I could lay on the bed and watch out the window. TJ was busy with school and Pat was busy with work but they had time to play with me and take me for walks. Today we mostly stayed inside. I played with my inside toys.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Monday I cleaning day. Jim cleans and I am bored. But then we spent to whole afternoon outside. Jim was moving leaves around and I was keeping track of tennis balls. I had a wonderful time outside. It was a nice sunny day.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
My Sunday
This morning Jim made pancakes. Charlie and I each got our own pancake. Yum! Then Jim and Jean took us for a walk in the neighborhood. Charlie got to meet my friends. Jen and John came and picked up Charlie. Charlie was so happy to see them his tail wagged and wagged. Then Jean took me for a run on the trail. I wanted to stay home and watch football with Jim but Jean needed a running partner so I went. Jim and Jean went to have dinner with Jean's parents so I finally got to take a nap.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
A day with Charlie
Charlie spent the night here last night. This morning Jim and Jean got up early and went for a race. When they came home we played lots of tennis ball.
Charlie and I had our dinner. Jim made us wait outside while they ate. Then he let us in and gave us pizza crust.
Charlie and I had our dinner. Jim made us wait outside while they ate. Then he let us in and gave us pizza crust.
Friday, November 7, 2014
More Work
This morning very early before my breakfast we had company. Jen and Charlie came. Jen left Charlie here and went to work. I think Charlie is going to stay a while because he brought his bag with his food, his leash and his tennis ball. When I go to Charlie's house I eat his food. He eats the same food I do. He has very good taste. This morning Jim and Jean were working at their desks. I helped Jean in her office and Charlie helped Jim in his office. Then Jim, Charlie and I all spent the afternoon outside. Jim was bringing firewood up to the house. I was chasing the tennis ball. Charlie spent most of his time trying to catch the chipmunk that live in the wood pile. We are both exhausted tonight after running around all afternoon.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Men's Work
Today Jim and I went to the farm to do men's work. Men's work involves riding tractors and cutting down trees. I don't ride the tractor. My work is chasing sticks. Grandpa, Dale, Jim and I worked all day. I played with Lady but mostly I helped the men. Tiffany did not come because she does not know how to do men's work. Tiffany's work is sitting around and looking cute. I love going to the farm. I am really tired tonight.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Another regular day
Today I helped Jim outside for a little while. I went for a run with Jean through the neighborhood. When we got back from our run I was ready for dinner. Jean wanted to run some more but I pulled her back home. I was hungry. I was ready to go home.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Rain all day
Today it rained all day. Jim and I were stuck in the house with Jean. Boring! Jim and Jean left for a little while to vote. Then it was back to being bored. I hope the sun comes out tomorrow so we can work outside.
Monday, November 3, 2014
This morning Jim went to the dentist. Jean was working at her desk. It was a good time to find a bit of sunshine and take a nap.
When Jim came home we went outside to work. First Jim used the leave blower to move the leaves around. Then he mowed. We spent all afternoon outside.
The humans have something they call daylight savings time. This is when they move the clock. This means my dinner is late and I starve. I whined so much yesterday Jim fed me early. It wasn't really early - the clock was moved. When Jim and Jean eat I always watch carefully because there might be something left for me. Jean thinks I am still on a diet but Jim sneaks me treats sometimes.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Helping Jim Cook
This morning Jim and Jean got up early. I like it when they get up early because I get my breakfast early. They went for a race. They weren't gone long so they must have run fast. Then I helped Jim make Chili. They are going to a chili party tonight and they are bringing white chicken chili. I helped by eating some of the chicken scraps. Then we went for a walk in the neighborhood. I saw my friend Maddie but my friend Sammie was not outside. Then we went by Jim and Jean's friends Bill and Sarah's house. They invited us in. They like me so I got to go in too. They are nice people but they don't have any dog toys. They let me walk around the house and do whatever I wanted. It was a nice day.
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