Saturday, June 29, 2013

West County Dog Walkers Club

Human are funny creatures.  They have clubs for any activity you could think of.  Today Jean took me to the trail for a run.  We met the West County Dog Walkers Club.  Who needs a club to walk their dog?  There were 8 dogs and their humans.  We walked with them for a while.  They all thought I was so well behaved and beautiful.  They invited me to join their club.  There was a great dane names Addie who was in love with me.  Then there was an Australian Cattle dog named Sissy.  She was nice but not as beautiful as me.  There was a little dog named Cooper who won the contest for muddiest dog.  I think he liked to roll in the mud.  We walked with them for a while then all the dogs went swimming in the river.  Jean and I continued on our run.

I helped Jim and Jean in the garden and vineyard.  Jim threw the frisbee for me.  We hadn't played frisbee in a long time.  We've played a lot of ball and stick.  I was so happy to see my frisbee. 

After the busy day I had a bath.  Since it is summer I have my bath outside with the hose.  In the cold weather I have a bath in the house in the shower.  Now I smell like apple blossom shampoo.  I am so tired after my busy day.

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