Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Bluff View Trail

There is a new trail by our house.  It is called the Bluff View Trail.  We went on a long hike this morning to try it out. On the way to the trail head we saw the tiniest little bird I have every seen.  It didn't even know how to fly.  I looked at it but left it alone.

After walking a while we reached the trailhead.

The trail was really nice.  It went through the woods.  We came across a turtle on the trail.  I looked at it but left it alone.  Jim moved it off the trail because a bicycle was coming and he didn't want it to get hurt.
We got to the end of the trail and I took a nice rest by the shade tree.

Then we turned around and hiked back to the start.  It was a nice morning for a hike.

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