Jim put a fan at the bottom of the stairs. It blows the cold basement air upstairs. It feels nice and cool to lay at the top of the stairs and feel the cool air. I could just go to the basement but I prefer being upstairs with my humans.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
West County Dog Walkers Club
Human are funny creatures. They have clubs for any activity you could think of. Today Jean took me to the trail for a run. We met the West County Dog Walkers Club. Who needs a club to walk their dog? There were 8 dogs and their humans. We walked with them for a while. They all thought I was so well behaved and beautiful. They invited me to join their club. There was a great dane names Addie who was in love with me. Then there was an Australian Cattle dog named Sissy. She was nice but not as beautiful as me. There was a little dog named Cooper who won the contest for muddiest dog. I think he liked to roll in the mud. We walked with them for a while then all the dogs went swimming in the river. Jean and I continued on our run.
I helped Jim and Jean in the garden and vineyard. Jim threw the frisbee for me. We hadn't played frisbee in a long time. We've played a lot of ball and stick. I was so happy to see my frisbee.
After the busy day I had a bath. Since it is summer I have my bath outside with the hose. In the cold weather I have a bath in the house in the shower. Now I smell like apple blossom shampoo. I am so tired after my busy day.
I helped Jim and Jean in the garden and vineyard. Jim threw the frisbee for me. We hadn't played frisbee in a long time. We've played a lot of ball and stick. I was so happy to see my frisbee.
After the busy day I had a bath. Since it is summer I have my bath outside with the hose. In the cold weather I have a bath in the house in the shower. Now I smell like apple blossom shampoo. I am so tired after my busy day.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Morning Walk
Today Jean took off work. We took a walk right after breakfast. We went through the neighborhood but none of my friends were outside. It was a nice walk. Jim and Jean did some shopping. Then we went out and checked on the vineyard and the garden. We fed the fish and I chased the tennis ball. It was a nice day.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
It's hot out
It is hot outside. We played some tennis ball outside. Jean went for a run but it was too hot for me to run. I spent a lot of time in the air conditioning relaxing.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
More storms
This morning there was thunder then it was just hot all day. Tonight there was more thunder and rain but when it cleared up Jean took me for a walk through the neighborhood. None of my friends were outside. I whine when I walk past my friends' houses if they are not outside. I helped Jean do her stretching exercised and I tried to get Jim to throw my tow for me.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Finally some work
Today Jim cut the grass while I played outside. Jim's knee has been bothering him so we haven't done much work outside. That's okay because it is really hot outside and I do enjoy the air conditioning. Jean's mom came to go to quilt club with Jean. I always try to get her to throw the ball in the house for me but she knows we aren't supposed to play ball in the house.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Steak for Dinner and a nice long walk
Tonight we had steak for dinner. I had steak juice on my dog food. Then I got a bone to chomp on. Then I had scraps from a fork. Usually they put scraps in my bowl or toss them to me. Jim was surprised at how well I eat from a fork.
After Dinner Jean took me for a nice long walk. It was hot so I got to wade in the river and get drinks from the creek. Jim's knee still hurts so he stayed home.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Master Gardener
I have a very important job here. Every time Jean brushes me she saves the hair then she puts it in the garden around the plants. There are little animals that are scared of my hair even if it isn't attached to me. It keeps them from eating the plants. I am very important.
Jean took me for a nice long walk in Castlewood. There were a lot of people in the park and they all told me I am beautiful. It was a hot day and I got to swim in the creek twice. I just love swimming in the creek.
Jean took me for a nice long walk in Castlewood. There were a lot of people in the park and they all told me I am beautiful. It was a hot day and I got to swim in the creek twice. I just love swimming in the creek.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
My attention span
I have a very long attention span. Jim's knee still hurts so we did not work outside. Then it rained so Jean couldn't take me for a walk. Jean spent 40 minutes on her exercise machine. The entire 40 minutes I stared at her with my tennis ball. This is because the exercise machine is in the basement and I know that is where I get to play ball on rainy days. So after waiting patiently she finally threw the tennis ball for me.
Friday, June 21, 2013
It is summer and I believe it. It is hot. I am happy to report that my foot feels great and I am back to chasing the tennis ball. I am sad to report that Jim's knee is not better and we did not work outside at all. I like to lay at the top of the stairs. This gives me easy access to the whole house. I can answer the door if someone comes, I can go into the office if Jean needs me or I can go to the kitchen to get a drink of water.
After dinner Jean took me for a walk on our favorite trail. The prickly pear cactus were in bloom. Jean thought they were pretty.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Sore Foot
Sometimes I run so much my foot gets sore. When that happens Jim won't throw the tennis ball any more. I'm fine really. I still want to play ball but they make me rest. Jim hurt his knee working in the yard so neither of us went with Jean for her walk. I helped Jim build the steps all day.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
More Work
Today I was outside most of the day helping Jim build new steps on the side of the house. He mostly works and I mostly supervise. I like to lay on the patio on the shade because it is hot outside.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
More Work
Today I helped Jim outside all day. We are building new steps on the side of the house. It is hard work but I love being outside with Jim.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Rainy Day
This morning Jim and I went outside and checked on the vineyard. It looks pretty much the same to me. It rained this afternoon so instead of my walk we played tennis ball in the basement. We usually go watch Jim play softball on Mondays but it was too rainy.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Father's Day
A father is someone who takes care of you, teaches you all the important stuff and most importantly loves you no matter what. I don't really remember my father. I was adopted when I was just a puppy. The best day of my life was when TJ and Pat adopted me. Pat is the best father a dog could have. He took care of me and taught me things and loves me. I love Pat too. But Pat and TJ have to be far away at work so Jim is my substitute dad. I just love Jim. He feeds me and plays with me and I help him work in the yard. I am a lucky dog.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
The Bluff View Trail
There is a new trail by our house. It is called the Bluff View Trail. We went on a long hike this morning to try it out. On the way to the trail head we saw the tiniest little bird I have every seen. It didn't even know how to fly. I looked at it but left it alone.
After walking a while we reached the trailhead.
The trail was really nice. It went through the woods. We came across a turtle on the trail. I looked at it but left it alone. Jim moved it off the trail because a bicycle was coming and he didn't want it to get hurt.
We got to the end of the trail and I took a nice rest by the shade tree.
Then we turned around and hiked back to the start. It was a nice morning for a hike.
After walking a while we reached the trailhead.
The trail was really nice. It went through the woods. We came across a turtle on the trail. I looked at it but left it alone. Jim moved it off the trail because a bicycle was coming and he didn't want it to get hurt.
We got to the end of the trail and I took a nice rest by the shade tree.
Then we turned around and hiked back to the start. It was a nice morning for a hike.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Cooling Off
Today I was very busy. I helped Jim outside all afternoon. Jim was picking up rocks. I was taking Jim the tennis ball and letting him throw it for me. Sometimes I just like to lay in the shade and watch Jim work. Then I helped Jean water the flowers. She threw the tennis ball for me. She isn't as good as throwing as Jim is but it's still fun. After dinner we took a walk through the neighborhood. We stopped and talked to several people and they all thought I was beautiful. I played with my friend Sammy and my other friend Maddy. When we got home I was hot so Jim told me to go to the basement to cool off. That is a good place to cool off because the floor is nice and cool down there. I like the basement because it's the only place in the house I am allowed to play ball. But I don't much like being down there by myself. After I cooled off I came upstairs to watch TV with the family.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
My Toys
I have a lot of toys. I like to have a toy nearby when I take a nap. Today I found a toy that had been hiding under a shelf. I was so excited because it was a squeaky toy that still squeaks. Most of my toys don't squeak any more. I like to squeak my toy when Jean is on the phone.
Today Jim took a bike ride. I don't get to go because I cannot ride a bike. Jean took me for a short run on the trail. It was fun.
Today Jim took a bike ride. I don't get to go because I cannot ride a bike. Jean took me for a short run on the trail. It was fun.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Going to the vet
I have to go to the vet every year to get a check up and shots. I am happy to report that I am healthy. I did not really want to stand on the table and I jumped down once but Jim told me I had to be good so I was.
When we got home from the vet Jim decided to trim my hair on my butt and tummy. It gets kind of long. He got carried away and trimmed everything. The weather has been very hot and I will be cooler. Don't worry - I am still my beautiful self.
When we got home from the vet Jim decided to trim my hair on my butt and tummy. It gets kind of long. He got carried away and trimmed everything. The weather has been very hot and I will be cooler. Don't worry - I am still my beautiful self.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Hot weather
We have had a very nice spring. There has been a lot of rain but the temperature has been nice. Today it got hot. Jim and I worked outside in the afternoon but it was too hot to run around. After dinner it cooled down so we played some tennis ball.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Sometimes I Dream
I like to take naps. Sometimes I have dreams. My legs will move and sometimes I bark when I dream. Jim and Jean laugh and think it is funny. I dream about chasing tennis balls. I dream about living in Idaho. I dream about eating steak.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Silly Humans
Sometimes I am called a silly dog. Today Jim and Jean went and found a big sale on plants. They bought some flowers and more vegetables for the garden. Jean wanted to plant them today. We went outside and it started raining. Jean kept planting in the rain while I hung out in the garage. Now who is silly?
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Good day for a swim
During the week the alarm goes off at 6:30. When I hear the alarm I go back to the hall and as soon as I hear someone get out of bed I rush to greet them. On weekends the alarm is usually not set. This morning Jim and Jean slept until 7:30 which means my breakfast was late. I am very patient and wait for them to get up.
I helped Jim in the vineyard then we went to Castlewood for a nice hike. It is a beautiful day. There were a lot of people and dogs in the park. I got to take a swim in the creek twice. We walked down to the river but it was too muddy to swim. The creek is nice and clear.
I helped Jim in the vineyard then we went to Castlewood for a nice hike. It is a beautiful day. There were a lot of people and dogs in the park. I got to take a swim in the creek twice. We walked down to the river but it was too muddy to swim. The creek is nice and clear.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Good Grooming
Jean brushes me most days. For some reason they don't like my hair all over the house. Jean bought a couple new grooming tools. One is an undercoat rake. It removes tangles. Then there is the Furminator. It helps take out some of the undercoat so I don't shed so much. I am so beautiful.
Tonight we took a nice long walk on the trail. I got to get a drink in the creek.
Tonight we took a nice long walk on the trail. I got to get a drink in the creek.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Lots of company
Today we had lots of company. First Jean's brother Jim came to help us in the vineyard. Jim plays softball and throws the tennis ball very well. I had fun playing tennis with him. Next Jim's friend Bob came to help in the vineyard. Bob was also very good at throwing the tennis ball. I am always happy when people come to play with me. Then Charlie came for dinner. He brought Jen and John with him. I like it when Charlie comes because we always get extra treats. It was a great day.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Lazy Day
Today Jim went to take pictures. Jean spent the day working at her desk. That left me free to take a nice nap. We went outside a couple times to play ball and check on the fish. I don't see why Jim and Jean like the fish. They don't know any tricks and all they do is swim around.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Today I helped Jim outside. We have a lot of work to do outside. The weather has been really nice. I get to play a lot of fetch the stick and tennis ball. Jim and Jean go to run on Tuesday evening so I get to take a nap in the evening.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Softball Monday
Today I helped Jim outside. We working in the garden and the vineyard. We trimmed the grass. We fed the fish. I worked very hard.
My other job is to help coach Jim when he plays softball. I like going to the softball games. There are always children there who like to pet me. Tonight Trevor was there. I really like Trevor because he very gentle with me. There was a little girl named Jessie who kept hugging and kissing me over and over. She said she wished I was her dog. I am TJ and Pat's dog.
My other job is to help coach Jim when he plays softball. I like going to the softball games. There are always children there who like to pet me. Tonight Trevor was there. I really like Trevor because he very gentle with me. There was a little girl named Jessie who kept hugging and kissing me over and over. She said she wished I was her dog. I am TJ and Pat's dog.
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