Sunday, April 28, 2013

Weekend at the Farm

Friday we packed our bags and headed to the farm.  You will never believe who was there.  Charlie!  My half brother Rusty lives there all the time but Charilie was visiting for the weekend also.  It was stormy so I had to go into the back porch.  I wanted to play in the rain with the other dogs but the humans wouldn't let me.  They know I get scared of thunder and try to run away from it.  It is very hard to run away from thunder.  They didn't have the door closed tight so I was able to push the door open and play with the other dogs anyway.

Saturday was a special day.  All the humans went to a big birthday party for Grandpa.  I would have liked to go because I just love Grandpa.  He feeds me canned dog food and bones.  I had to be locked on the back porch and this time the human figured out they need make sure the door is latched closed.  Saturday night Charlie slept on the back porch with me and Rusty had to be tied in the garage.

Today we packed up and headed home.  We stopped at Sand Creek vineyard on the way home.  I get to run around there because the owner likes dogs.  I was tired and slept most of the way home.

When we got home I helped Jim outside while Jean went and took a long run then Jim gave me a bath and washed my bed.  Now I am clean and fluffy.

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