Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 13 - More camping fun

This morning Pat made waffles for breakfast.  I love camping and I love waffles and I expecially love waffles when I am camping.  I love sleeping in the tent with TJ and Pat.  Jean wanted me in her tent to keep her warm but I am TJ and Pat's dog so I sleep with them.  All the humans did some fishing.  I just sat and watched.  Then we took a nice hike.

On the hike there was not a creek for me to drink from so TJ poured water in her hands and let me drink some of her water. 
We hiked to a fire tower.  TJ and Jean climbed up the tower but I had to say on the ground with Jim.  I wanted to be with TJ and Jean so much.

Back at camp it is hard work to guard the camp.  I get tired and need a nap.

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