Sunday, January 20, 2013

Living with Charlie

When Charlie came he brought his bed which is a big pillow.  Jim put his bed in the kitchen in the corner opposite of my bed.  This works out well because we each have our own own space.  Jim put up the gate at night.  I know the rule and that I am not allowed to wander around the house at night.  Charlie doesn't know the rules so they put the gate up to keep us in the kitchen.  It doesn't really matter to me because I stay in the kitchen on my bed all night anyway.

Jean puts most of my toys away when Charlie is here because he likes to chew things up.  I was teasing Charlie with my Kong Wubba.  The Kong Wubba is my new toy I got for Christmas.  I like it because it squeaks.  I would squeak it and Charlie would come to see what made the noise, then I would go into another room and squeak the toy and Charlie would come see what made the noise.  I had Charlie following me all over trying to see where the squeak came from.  Jean put the toy away.

Jim gave us some more turkey scraps for lunch.  It was so good.

Jim and Jean took us for a walk.  We also got play frisbee outside.

Jen and John came for dinner.  They took Charlie home.  Jean got my toys back out and Jim put the gate away.

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