Wednesday, January 9, 2013

French Toast and Goodbyes

This morning Jim promised me waffles.  Then he realized he didn't have all the ingredients so he made french toast.  I sniffed at the french toast and refused to eat it - I wanted waffles.

TJ and Pat packed up their car.  They gave me lots of hugs and love then they left.  I don't know if they will be gone for a couple hours, a couple days or a couple months but I know they will come back for me.  I don't have a calendar so I have a hard time keeping track of what day it is.  I heard them mention they were going to Colorado.

Jim and I spent the day outside working.  Jim was raking leaves and turning them into mulch.  I had to keep track of the sticks and tennis balls.  It was a beautiful day to be outside.

At dinner time Jim mixed my dog food with the leftover french toast and it was delicious. 

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