Jim and Jean spend a lot of time brushing their teeth. I have a toothbrush but I can't brush my teeth by myself because I don't have thumbs. Jean sprays something called Plaque Blaster in my mouth. It's supposed keep my teeth clean and white. It's important to take good care of your teeth.
Today Jean took me for a run. It snowed a little today. I love the snow but there wasn't enough to get excited about.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
The Green Box
Every week Jim goes to the grocery store. Sometimes Jeans goes with him. They bring in bags of food. I am not that interested because there is usually not anything there for me. I do get excited when the green box of my favorite treats comes in. I am picky about my treats and I really like the ones in the green box.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
My Kong Wubba
My Kong Wubba is my new toy that my friend Nita gave me for Christmas. It is my very favorite. I carry it around the house. Sometimes I squeak it. Sometime I take a nap with it. Sometimes I get Jim to play with me. He's not supposed to throw my toys upstairs but sometimes he does when Jean isn't looking.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Muddy feet and a warm shower
It rained all day yesterday. Today I finally got to spend time outside with Jim. It's hard not to get muddy feet when there is so much mud around. Jim gave me a shower. I have beautiful krimpy hair around my ears that is extra krimpy when I've had a bath.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
A new trick
Jean is teaching me a new trick. It is very hard and I have to concentrate very much. I am still trying to get the hang of it.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Today Jean got up early and went for a race. I got up early with Jean and had breakfast with her while Jim stayed in bed. I didn't get to go to the race to cheer Jean on but she told me she ran really fast.
I helped Jim outside with leaves and the tennis ball. Sometimes I just like laying down in the leaves and enjoy being outside.
I helped Jim outside with leaves and the tennis ball. Sometimes I just like laying down in the leaves and enjoy being outside.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Christmas was a month ago
One month ago it was Christmas. I got a lot of new toys because I was a very good boy. One of my toys was a pink squeaky bone. Today I was bored so I was playing with my squeaky bone. I killed it. I chewed the corner off so it doesn't squeak any more. I left little pieces all over the rug. I had so much fun with it.
After I played with my toys, Jim and I went outside to work. Jim likes to ride on his little garden tractor. He puts wood in the trailer and brings it up to the house. He throws the ball to me. It was a nice day to play outside.
After I played with my toys, Jim and I went outside to work. Jim likes to ride on his little garden tractor. He puts wood in the trailer and brings it up to the house. He throws the ball to me. It was a nice day to play outside.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Boring Thursday
On Thursday Jim goes to work all day. Jim makes his lunch in the morning and sometimes gives me a bite of ham. He takes his lunch to work with him and I don't see him again until dinner time. This is a long, long time. This means I am left at home with Jean. Jean spends the whole day in her office while I having nothing to do. Jean did finish work in time to take me for a walk. We walked by the sign with the deer and we saw some deer near the sign. It was a cold day. Jean doesn't mind the cold because she has a warm coat.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Back to work outside
It was a little warmer today so Jim and I worked outside all afternoon. Jim threw the tennis ball for me all afternoon so I am tired this evening.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
A Cold Day
Today was a very cold day. Jim thought it was too cold to work outside. I didn't think so because I have a fabulous fur coat. So we hung out inside most the day. Jean did put on a heavy coat and took me out to play some tennis ball. Jim gave me some chicken scraps after dinner.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Doing all the work
I have to do all the work around here. First Jim had a photography appointment. He put me in Jean's office with her and closed the door. When I heard someone come I barked. Of course the photography customer wanted to meet me. Then I helped with the portrait sitting. I played ball with the customer. Jim was not too happy when I got in the picture but I really helped him.
Next we went outside and Jim brought wood to the house and raked. I kept track of sticks. It was hard work.
After this busy day I was ready to take a nap - but no - I had to take a run with Jean. I am helping her train for a race. I have to do all the work around here.
Next we went outside and Jim brought wood to the house and raked. I kept track of sticks. It was hard work.
After this busy day I was ready to take a nap - but no - I had to take a run with Jean. I am helping her train for a race. I have to do all the work around here.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Living with Charlie
When Charlie came he brought his bed which is a big pillow. Jim put his bed in the kitchen in the corner opposite of my bed. This works out well because we each have our own own space. Jim put up the gate at night. I know the rule and that I am not allowed to wander around the house at night. Charlie doesn't know the rules so they put the gate up to keep us in the kitchen. It doesn't really matter to me because I stay in the kitchen on my bed all night anyway.
Jean puts most of my toys away when Charlie is here because he likes to chew things up. I was teasing Charlie with my Kong Wubba. The Kong Wubba is my new toy I got for Christmas. I like it because it squeaks. I would squeak it and Charlie would come to see what made the noise, then I would go into another room and squeak the toy and Charlie would come see what made the noise. I had Charlie following me all over trying to see where the squeak came from. Jean put the toy away.
Jim gave us some more turkey scraps for lunch. It was so good.
Jim and Jean took us for a walk. We also got play frisbee outside.
Jen and John came for dinner. They took Charlie home. Jean got my toys back out and Jim put the gate away.
Jean puts most of my toys away when Charlie is here because he likes to chew things up. I was teasing Charlie with my Kong Wubba. The Kong Wubba is my new toy I got for Christmas. I like it because it squeaks. I would squeak it and Charlie would come to see what made the noise, then I would go into another room and squeak the toy and Charlie would come see what made the noise. I had Charlie following me all over trying to see where the squeak came from. Jean put the toy away.
Jim gave us some more turkey scraps for lunch. It was so good.
Jim and Jean took us for a walk. We also got play frisbee outside.
Jen and John came for dinner. They took Charlie home. Jean got my toys back out and Jim put the gate away.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Charlie and I help Jim
Today Jean got up and went to run with her friend. That left Charlie and me to help Jim. We spent most of the day outside. My job is to keep track of all the sticks. Charlie's job is to find the chipmunk in the wood pile. It was a beartiful day. At dinner time we had to wait on the deck while Jim and Jean ate. Jim gave us some scraps of chicken from their dinner. It was so good.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Poor Charlie
Charlie is here for the weekend. I like it when Charlie comes. Jim got some turkey out of the freezer that he had been saving for us. It was delicious.
When Charlie was at the farm something bad happened. He broke the rules and went too close to the road. He had an unfortunate encounter with a vehicle. Now poor Charlie has a scar on his forhead and his legs are weak. Grandma and Grandpa took real good care of him so he his much better. Jim and Jean took us for a walk.
When Charlie was at the farm something bad happened. He broke the rules and went too close to the road. He had an unfortunate encounter with a vehicle. Now poor Charlie has a scar on his forhead and his legs are weak. Grandma and Grandpa took real good care of him so he his much better. Jim and Jean took us for a walk.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Running as fast as I can
Today Jean took me to the trail for a run. She left me off the leash at first. I love this because I can run as fast as I can. After a while we saw some people as dogs so I had to be on the leash. When I am on the leash I can only run as fast as Jean can (which isn't that fast).
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
I like my toys. I really like the new toys I got for Christmas. I always like to have one of my toys nearby. I like to spread my toys around the house. The only toys I can take outside are my frisbee and my tennis balls. Today we played some frisbee and tennis ball. It was a nice winter day.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Running With Jean
Today at lunchtime Jean took me to the trail for a run. We were the only ones on the trail so I didn't have to be on the leash. Here is how the run went. I would find an interesting thing to sniff at, Jean would run ahead, I would sprint to catch up with Jean, I would find an interesting thing to sniff at, Jean would run ahead, I would sprint to catch up, etc, etc, etc. It was a great run.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Heterochromia Iridium
Heterochromia Iridium may seem like big words. It just mean I have two different color eyes. Everyone loves my eyes. One time a little girl asked if I had a contact lens in.
Today Jim and Jean worked inside. They took me for a walk and I saw my friend Sammy. I was so happy to see her. I had not seen her for a long time. We ran around her yard and played chase.
Today Jim and Jean worked inside. They took me for a walk and I saw my friend Sammy. I was so happy to see her. I had not seen her for a long time. We ran around her yard and played chase.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Lazy Sunday
Today we slept it. I wait patiently until I hear Jim and Jean get up then I rush back to their room to greet them. I am so happy to see them in the morning. I am anxious for my breakfast. Jim watched football while Jean sewed. Then we all took a walk through the neighborhood. I saw one of my friends that I had not seen for a couple of months. She is a great dane puppy. The first time I met her she ran under my legs. Now she is bigger than I am and she is still a puppy. She is a nice friendly puppy. After our walk Jean brushed me then threw the tennis ball a bit.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Men's Work
This morning Jean got up early and went to a race. Jim and I stayed home because we have work to do outside. We came in a 3:00 so we could watch football. It started raining anyway so it was a good time to cmoe in.
Friday, January 11, 2013
I have to do it all
Many days I spend the day outside helping Jim. It is very hard work chasing the tennis ball and sticks. At the end of the day I would like to go inside have my dinner and relax. Do I get to do this? No! At the end of the day Jean, who has been at her desk all day decides she needs some exercise so she takes me for a walk or a run. I do get my dinner and finally I can relax.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Back to a regular day
Today Jim went to work so it was Jean and me home all day. Jean worked then took me for a short run. After our run I let Jean know I wanted my dinner. Then I hung out by the door and waited for Jim to come home. I was so happy when he came home.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
French Toast and Goodbyes
This morning Jim promised me waffles. Then he realized he didn't have all the ingredients so he made french toast. I sniffed at the french toast and refused to eat it - I wanted waffles.
TJ and Pat packed up their car. They gave me lots of hugs and love then they left. I don't know if they will be gone for a couple hours, a couple days or a couple months but I know they will come back for me. I don't have a calendar so I have a hard time keeping track of what day it is. I heard them mention they were going to Colorado.
Jim and I spent the day outside working. Jim was raking leaves and turning them into mulch. I had to keep track of the sticks and tennis balls. It was a beautiful day to be outside.
At dinner time Jim mixed my dog food with the leftover french toast and it was delicious.
TJ and Pat packed up their car. They gave me lots of hugs and love then they left. I don't know if they will be gone for a couple hours, a couple days or a couple months but I know they will come back for me. I don't have a calendar so I have a hard time keeping track of what day it is. I heard them mention they were going to Colorado.
Jim and I spent the day outside working. Jim was raking leaves and turning them into mulch. I had to keep track of the sticks and tennis balls. It was a beautiful day to be outside.
At dinner time Jim mixed my dog food with the leftover french toast and it was delicious.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Today we went to Jim and Jean's house. Jim saved me some steak which he fed to me. I just love steak. TJ and Pat emptied everything out of their car then packed it up. This means they are going on a trip. I am nervous. I don't know if I get to go with them or if they are leaving me with Jim and Jean again.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Sunday visiting
TJ took me to visit Jim and Jean. The first thing I did when I got to their house was go to my toy box. I have lots of toys there that I love to play with. It didn't take me long to get all of my toys out and leave them around the house.
Next Jean thought I would look cute in a winter hat. I didn't mind it but I don't think I look so cute because you can't see my beautiful ears.
Next Jean thought I would look cute in a winter hat. I didn't mind it but I don't think I look so cute because you can't see my beautiful ears.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Friday, January 4, 2013
Helping with the Laundry
Today was laundry day. I help. It is very hard work and it wears me out. I need a nap.
I need to mention that we have been staying at Charlie's house. Jen and John are in the Grand Canyon and Charlie is at the farm. I get to lay on Charlie's couch. Charlie does not get to lay on the couch. There are two reasons I get to lay on the couch: 1) Jen and John are not here and I can to anything I want, 2) TJ and Pat give me a bath anytime I get a little piece of dirt on me so I am very clean.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Dog Tricks
TJ and Pat like to put a cracker on my nose and make me sit very still until they say "OK". Then I am supposed to toss the cracker up and catch it and eat it. I am very good at sitting still and waiting. But sometimes it's easier to just let the cracker fall on the floor and eat it. That is a lot of work for one measley cracker.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Happy New Year
It is a New Year. For some reason humans felt it was necessary to shoot off fireworks to let everyone know is was 2013. Everyone know I do not like fireworks, thunder, or gunshots. I was happy TJ and Pat were there to calm me.
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