Thursday, December 31, 2015

My Hike

Today we took a hike.  We were going to hike the bluffs in Castlewood State Park.  The park was closed because the river took over.  So we went to the Bluff View Trail.  The first thing I did was find some briars to walk through.
We walked to the bluff and had quite a view of the flooding.

We walked along the trail.  It was a nice day for a hike.
When we have to cross water Jim and Jean tiptoe across the rocks.  I just walk through the water.  It is so much easier.  Jim and Jean don't want to get their feet wet.  I don't mind if my feet get wet.
We walked until the water came up to the trail.  Then we turned around and walked back.
We saw this along the trail.   We had a discussion about whether the people who put it there knew about Leave No Trace.
When we got home I had to have my fur brushed then I had to have a bath.  Now I am clean and fluffy.  Jim and I are going to watch some football.

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