Friday, June 26, 2015


I have not posted my blog for a long time.  Jim and Jean went on vacation.  They went to a national park.  I am not allowed to hike in national parks.  I went to Becky and Mark's house.  I was happy to go there.  I went there in March when Jim and Jean went on vacation.  At Becky and Mark's house there is a small dog named Doodlebug.  I like Doodlebug.  But my favorite is the four small humans.  I just love them.  They are my little herd.  They like to pet me and throw the toy for me and give me treats.  Most days the little humans go to day camp.   They get to swim and play with other kids.  In the afternoon I get in the van with Becky and Doodlebug and we would go to pick the kids up.  I started out in the back of the van but when Becky went to get the kids I jumped to the front seat so I could watch for them.  I was so excited to see my little humans.  In the evening the little humans play with me and take baths.  I help to tuck them in.  I bring a toy to their bed so they can throw it.  I sleep on my bed in Becky and Mark's room at night.  I had a fun time and Becky and Mark's house.  Today Jim and Jean picked me up.  They picked Charlie up too.  Now I am back at home.  I really miss my little humans.

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