Thursday, April 9, 2015

More Storms

Last night there were more storms.  There was thunder and lightning.  Jim and Jean were sitting in the family room watching TV like nothing was happening.  I was in the closet where it is safe.  They tried to get me to come in and hang out with them but I was not having it.  I feel safer in the closet.

I slept in Jim and Jean's closet.  A couple times when the storms were loud I laid by Jim's side of the bed so he could put his hand on me and make me feel better. 

Tonight we went to Charlie's house for dinner.  The humans ate outside.  John threw the tennis ball for us.  Then we went inside.  We are allowed to play ball and run around the house at Charlie's.  But then it started storming.  I headed straight to their bathroom.  I felt safer there.

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