Thursday, April 30, 2015


Charlie came this morning very early before I had breakfast.  It was till dark.  I am dog sitting Charlie all weekend.  Today Charlie and I helped Jim outside all day.  I cut my foot the other day and it was bleeding.  Then I cut it again today.  Jim washed it real good and put medicine on it.  Then I had to wear my boot when I was outside.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


I am so handsome.  Today Jim gave me my summer cut.  My summer cut is not to short and not too long.  It is just right.  I am much cooler but I still am beautiful. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Today I helped Jim outside a little then we had company.  Jean's Mom and Dad and sister Mary came for dinner.  So did one of grandma's friends.  The women went to quilt club and the men stayed home and watched the Cardinal game on TV.  I was happy to see Mary.  She lives in Idaho.  When I lived in Idaho I saw her a lot more often.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Helping the Men

Today I was outside all day helping Jim and Grandpa dig up the yard.  I did not do any digging.  Grandpa did the digging with his tractor.  They are digging to get ready to pour a parking pad for the camper.  I was so tired.

Sunday, April 26, 2015


Country Grandma and Grandpa came to see me today.  I love it when they come to visit because they throw my toy for me and they share their food with me.

Saturday, April 25, 2015


Jean's sister, Mary, has been in town.  Jim and Jean have spent a lot of time visiting with her.  They have gone out to eat a lot.  The other day they brought me home a whole bowl of leftover ham!  Jim gives me a little bit each day.  I just love ham.  Today they brought me some French fries.  Yum.

Friday, April 24, 2015

My Busy Day

You may have noticed that I did not post my blog yesterday.  I was very busy.  Jean and her mom and sister went to Paducah for a big quilt show.  They were gone all day.  That left Jim and me to do whatever we wanted.  First we drove to a vineyard and picked up some grapevines.  I got to play with the vineyard dog.  It was lots of fun.  They we went to the farm to visit Grandma and Grandpa.  We did not get home until late.  It was a very busy day.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


I love springtime and I love Jim.  I love to work outside with Jim in the springtime.  We have spent a lot of time working in the yard, garden and vineyard.  I have lots of tennis balls to play with outside.  I also have lots of inside tennis balls too.  Life is good.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Vineyard

Jim worked in the vineyard again.  He is worried about his vines.  Some of the grapevines look good but a lot of them look dead.  I like to be outside with Jim.  I also like to play ball in the basement.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Back to Work

After a day of rest we are all back to work.  Jean is back to work in her office and Jim and I are back to work outside.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

A Day of Rest

I had a very busy week.  I worked outside with Jim all day every day.  Finally we had a day of rest.  First there were waffles for breakfast.  Since it was raining we stayed in and I caught up on my naps.  I didn't mind the rain because there was no thunder and lightning.

Saturday, April 18, 2015


I like weekends.  I know it is a weekend because instead of sitting at her desk all day Jean does stuff with Jim and me.  This morning we took a long walk at Castlewood State Park.  The wildflowers are still blooming.

We walked for six miles.  I got to get a drink from the creek.
When we were done with the walk I got to take a swim in the creek.  It was refreshing!

When we got home we planted the garden and worked outside all afternoon.  I am so tired after this busy day.

Friday, April 17, 2015

More Work

It has been an absolutely wonderful week.  I have been outside with Jim all day every day.  We get up and eat breakfast.  Then we go outside and work.  Next we come in for lunch.  Then we spend the whole afternoon outside.

After dinner I was so exhausted I couldn't keep my tongue in my mouth.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Outside All Day

I was outside all day helping Jim.  I just love to help Jim.  He was working on his pile of dirt.  He shovels it in the trailer and drives it to the garden and dumps it.  It is very hard work and I was tired.
I got two post cards in the mail today from TJ and Pat.  They are still in California.  I sure do miss them but Jim really needs me to help him.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A load of dirt

Jim got a load of dirt today.  A dump truck came and dumped it on the ground.  Now Jim and I have lots of work to do to move the dirt to the garden.  Charlie came for dinner.  He brought Jen and John with them.  Charlie helped me and Jim outside for a while before we went inside.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Work and Play

Jim and I worked outside again.  He threw the ball and I chased it.  Sometimes when we are done working we like to hang out on the deck.  Jim drinks a beer and I take a rest.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Cleaning Day

On Monday Jim usually cleans house while Jean is working.  First he vacuums up my hair.  Then he mops my puppy prints from the floor.  Then I get it dirty again so he can clean again next Monday.  We did some work outside after he was done inside.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Nice day for a long walk

Today was a nice day to take a long walk on the trails.  The wild flowers are blooming.  The creek that usually dry was filled with delicious water.  We had a very nice walk. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Reckless Abandon

Jean says I chase the tennis ball with reckless abandon.  When it comes to fetching I run as fast as I can and have so much fun.  That is how Jim used to play football - catch the ball and worry about your body later.  Don't worry, I didn't get hurt playing ball.  I had fun.

Friday, April 10, 2015

No storms

I am happy to report there were no storms today.  It was sunny and clear.  I helped Jim outside.  Today is national sibling day.  I have lots of brothers and sisters but I do no know where they are or what they are doing.  I have not seen any of them since we were young pups. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

More Storms

Last night there were more storms.  There was thunder and lightning.  Jim and Jean were sitting in the family room watching TV like nothing was happening.  I was in the closet where it is safe.  They tried to get me to come in and hang out with them but I was not having it.  I feel safer in the closet.

I slept in Jim and Jean's closet.  A couple times when the storms were loud I laid by Jim's side of the bed so he could put his hand on me and make me feel better. 

Tonight we went to Charlie's house for dinner.  The humans ate outside.  John threw the tennis ball for us.  Then we went inside.  We are allowed to play ball and run around the house at Charlie's.  But then it started storming.  I headed straight to their bathroom.  I felt safer there.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Keeping close

Jim and I worked outside this morning.  Then there were more storms this afternoon.  When it started thundering Jim was throwing the tennis ball.  I was very brave and kept playing ball while it was thundering.  Then we came inside. I stayed very close to Jean in her office.  I like to keep a toy or ball
close too.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

More thunder

There was more thunder last night.  I slept in Jim and Jean's closet.  I feel safe in there.  Jim put a rug in there for me to sleep on.  This morning there was thunder again.  A man came to fix the stove.  I laid down right next to him.  He liked me and I think he would protect me if the sky fell in.  The rain stopped and Jean took me for a walk in the neighborhood.  I saw my friends.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Helping Jim all Day

Today I helped Jim.  First I helped him do his stretching exercises.  I think I could get a side job as a personal trainer.  I am a big help.

We spent a lot of time outside.  Jim cleaned the chimney.  Then he started the waterfall on the pond.  He turns the waterfall off in the winter.  The fish like the waterfall.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter

Today we had waffles for breakfast.  I love waffles.  Then Jim and Jean took me for a nice long walk in the trails in Castlewood.  I started off on the leash but then they let me run free.  I had such a good time.  We walked five miles.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


This morning we had eggs for breakfast.  Well - Jim and Jean had eggs.  I had a taste.  I like eggs.  Jim and Jean did some shopping while I stayed home.  Then we went outside and Jim threw the ball for me to chase.  Jim and Jean went for a run.  I didn't feel like going for a run.  Seriously - they were going to run 5 miles and I didn't want to go. So I refused to hop in the car.  I stayed home and took a nap while they ran.  Then when they got home we played more tennis ball.

Friday, April 3, 2015

A stormy night

Last night there was thunder.  Loud thunder!  I did not like it one bit.  I started out sleeping in Jim and Jean's big walk in closet with my toy chicken.  Then I moved to sleep on the floor next to Jim's side of the bed.  Jim reaches down and pets me which  makes me feel safer.

Today Jim took me outside just to throw the tennis ball.  I was glad the rain stopped.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

A busy dayt

This morning Jim and I went outside and worked.  Jim got out his leaf blower and blew leaves around while I played tennis ball.  Then it started raining.  We stayed outside for a little while then we came in to get out of the rain.  Then a man came for photography.  He really liked me.  He didn't know about the rule that we don't play ball upstairs.  He liked throwing the ball for me.  I think he would have like to take me home with him.  But Jim and Jean need me here.  It stopped raining so Jim and I went back outside.  Our big job was to round up the frogs and toads and move them from our little pond to the big pond across the street.  Jim collected a bucket of frogs.  There are still a lot of frogs left in our pond.
Then it started raining again.  There was thunder this time.  Everyone knows that thunder is very scary.  I crawled under Jims' desk while he was sitting at it.  Then I went and sat very close to Jean.  I was so happy it stopped raining.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Helping Jim Outside

Today I helped Jim outside again.  Jean thinks my nose is a little sunburned.  I don't have much hair on the end of my nose and my skin is very fair.  We are building a garden.  I like helping Jim outside.