Thursday, February 19, 2015

MIssing Jim

Jim was gone for a long, long time.  Country Grandma had to go to the hospital to get her back fixed and Jim went to Cape Girardeau to see her.  Jean fed me breakfast and gave me my snack and lunch and gave me dinner.  It was a very cold day so she did not take me for a run.  I waited by my window for Jim.  At dinner time there were deer in our yard.  I could see them through my window.  I wanted to go outside but Jean would not let me.  She doesn't want me to bother the deer.  Finally Jim came home and I was so happy.
I have a lot of toys.  Lately my favorite have been my frog.  I carry it around the house and take a nap with it.  TJ and Pat gave me my frog and I love it.

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