Saturday, February 28, 2015
The big bathtub
Today Jim and Jean went for a race. It was a long race because they were gone a long time. When they got back they were cold so they took a bath. Since they had the bath water warm and ready they decided to give me a bath too. It was the first time I had a bath in the big bathtub in their room. I have had a bath in the hall bath or a shower in their shower but I never had a bath in the big bathtub. I don't really like baths that much but now I am clean and fluffy.
Friday, February 27, 2015
The turkeys
Today the flock of turkeys was outside in the front yard. I went outside with Jim to get firewood and I chased them away. Jean was mad at me. Apparently chasing turkeys is frowned upon.
I helped Jim bring more firewood to the house. It has been cold so we have been burning a lot of wood.
I love playing with my tennis ball. I love when people throw it for me. I will gently place it in your lap so you can throw it. Sometimes if you don't throw it I pick it up and drop it in your lap again. Jim always says "don't grab the wrong ball".
I helped Jim bring more firewood to the house. It has been cold so we have been burning a lot of wood.
I love playing with my tennis ball. I love when people throw it for me. I will gently place it in your lap so you can throw it. Sometimes if you don't throw it I pick it up and drop it in your lap again. Jim always says "don't grab the wrong ball".
Thursday, February 26, 2015
With my beautiful black, white and gray coat I blend in with the woods especially when there is a little snow Sometimes when I am up on the hillside it is hard for Jim and Jean to see me. They whistle and yell. I know exactly where I am and where they are. They do not blend in at all.
We had a little bit of snow last night. I went outside with Jim to shovel. I like the snow. Then I hung out in the basement while Jim worked on pictures.
We had a little bit of snow last night. I went outside with Jim to shovel. I like the snow. Then I hung out in the basement while Jim worked on pictures.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Another Day Another Walk
Today Jim and Jean took me for a walk in the neighborhood. My friend Sammie was inside her house. She was looking out the window and barking for me. She did not get to come outside to see me.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Another Cold Day
It was another cold day. Jim and Jean took me for a run at lunch. We ran through the neighborhood and stopped to see my friend Sammie. My alligator toy was on the shelf. Jean got it down from the shelf and gave it to me. I do love my toys. I was happy to see my alligator.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Hanging Around the House
Today was a day for hanging around the house with Jean. Jim went to take pictures. It was cold outside so I just hung around the house with Jean. We saw our flock of turkeys in the yard. Jean likes to watch out the window for birds and she is happy when the turkeys come by. I like to eat turkey on Thanksgiving but the turkey we eat doesn't resemble the turkeys in our yard. I'm not sure it's the same thing.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Going Visiting
Today we went to Charlie's house for dinner. I love going to Charlie's house because we are allowed to play tennis ball in the living room. I am not allowed to play tennis ball in Jim and Jean's living room.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
More Snow
Last night it snowed another inch. It was glorious! Since it is Saturday Jean help Jim and me shovel the driveway. We has so much fun outside. I found one of my tennis balls and chased it. I love snow! Jean and Jim also took me for a walk in the neighborhood today. I got to play with my friend Sammy. It was a good day.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Taking a Run
Today Jim and Jean took me for a run. When we got back the code pad that lets them into the garage was not working. We were locked out. I did the most reasonable thing - I found a stick to chew on. I enjoy being outside with Jim and Jean. They walked all around the house checking doors and windows. They used to have a key hidden but it was in the car that was in the locked garage. Finally Jim threw a log threw a basement window and climbed in. Then they had a mess to clean up. No worries - we were back in for my dinner time. After all that excitement I needed a nap.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
MIssing Jim
Jim was gone for a long, long time. Country Grandma had to go to the hospital to get her back fixed and Jim went to Cape Girardeau to see her. Jean fed me breakfast and gave me my snack and lunch and gave me dinner. It was a very cold day so she did not take me for a run. I waited by my window for Jim. At dinner time there were deer in our yard. I could see them through my window. I wanted to go outside but Jean would not let me. She doesn't want me to bother the deer. Finally Jim came home and I was so happy.
I have a lot of toys. Lately my favorite have been my frog. I carry it around the house and take a nap with it. TJ and Pat gave me my frog and I love it.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Jim has been busy lately. He has been taking pictures and leaving me at home with Jean. I love Jean but she spends a lot of time sitting at her desk typing on her computer.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Still Snow
The snow is still here. I am so happy. When I get up in the morning and Jim lets me outside I am so happy to see snow I prance around and wag my butt. Jean went for a run today but she didn't take me. They put salt and chemicals on the street when it snow and they do not want the salt and chemical to hurt my feet.
Monday, February 16, 2015
It finally snowed. I love snow. There is a lot of work to do on a snow day. Jim and I spent the whole morning outside cleaning now off the driveway. Then we came in for lunch and went outside to finish our work. I had some icicles hanging off my chin. I was tired and needed a nap.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
A great day for a hike
Today Jim and Jean took me for a nice hike to Castlewood State Park. We just love going to Castlewood. We walked along the river. Then we walked up 200 stairs to the top of the bluff. We walked along the bluff then back down. The best part was when we came to a field and Jim threw a stick for me. I love, love, love chasing a stick.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
We all get haircuts sometimes. Jim keeps his hair very short and cuts it with an electric clipper thing. Jean goes to the beauty shop for a haircut. I just get my butt hairs trimmed. Sometimes I get the hair around my ears trimmed also. We have all had haircuts recently.
Today Jim had to go take pictures all day. Jean went for a long run. I go for short runs like 5 miles but Jean leaves me at home when she wants to run 10 miles. She came home to give me my treat for lunch then she went shopping. I was happy when Jim came home from his pictures.
Today Jim had to go take pictures all day. Jean went for a long run. I go for short runs like 5 miles but Jean leaves me at home when she wants to run 10 miles. She came home to give me my treat for lunch then she went shopping. I was happy when Jim came home from his pictures.
Friday, February 13, 2015
My mail
TJ and Pat send me post cards. Jean always shows them to me and reads them to me. I smell them to see if I can smell TJ and Pat. Today we got a postcard from the desert. They are drinking beer and having fun without me. I don't drink beer but I like to have fun. I miss TJ and Pat.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
A regular day
Today was a regular day. We got up. Jim and I went outside to get wood for the wood furnace. I always check the yard for critters. Then we had breakfast. Jean worked all day. I played some tennis ball then took a nap. We had lunch. Well Jim and Jean get lunch. I get a teeny tiny dog treat. Then I played more tennis ball. Then another nap. Then Jim and Jean took me for a run. Then I had dinner. Then I took another nap. Next we went outside to get wood. An it's time for bed.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Happy Birthday to Jim
Today is Jim's Birthday. He is still young because he is good at working outside with me. He cuts up wood and moves heavy logs. Jim and I - we are still young men. Jean made a nice dinner for Jim. That means I got to have pork roast scraps. Then they had cake. I don't get to have cake. Happy Birthday, Jim.
Monday, February 9, 2015
More about the Dog Parade
The dog parade was yesterday. Of course I was the most handsome dog there. Everyone told Jim and Jean that so it must be true. Here are some of the other dogs we saw:
This guy had a big head and a little hat.
Some dogs didn't even walk in the parade. They had their owners carry them. They were so lazy.
Here are a couple nice looking dogs. They are beautiful but not as beautiful as me.
Here are some other dogs that were watching the parade also.
This guy had a big head and a little hat.
Some dogs didn't even walk in the parade. They had their owners carry them. They were so lazy.
Some dogs rode in wagons. I even saw dogs in baby strollers.
Many of the dogs had to wear silly costumes. I am so glad Jean did not dress me up in a stupid outfit.
Here are a couple nice looking dogs. They are beautiful but not as beautiful as me.
Here are some other dogs that were watching the parade also.
Here is the most beautiful dog of all:
Sunday, February 8, 2015
The Dog Parade
Today Jim and Jean took me to the dog parade. It was in the city. I was a spectator. There were lots of dogs in the parade and lots of dogs watching the parade. I've never seen so many dogs in my life. There were big dogs and little dogs. I met a lot of other dogs. They were all very nice. It was a beautiful day for a parade.
Here is a picture of Jean's favorite dog in the parade.
Here is a picture of Jean's favorite dog in the parade.
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