Sunday, July 20, 2014

Visiting Tiffany

Yesterday morning we got up early and had breakfast and packed our bags.  Here is what I packed:  my quilt, my bowls, some food and a tennis ball.  Jim and Jean have to pack many more things because for one humans have to wear clothes and they want fresh ones every day.  We rode in the car a long time then we pulled up to Tiffany's house.  Tiffany has a very nice house and Dale and Tammy live with her.  The first thing I did was water the bushes in the front yard.  Then we went into the house and I found Tiffany's toy box.  I really liked her duck.

The humans left for the afternoon.  They put a baby gate up and left me in the laundry room.  Tiffany had the whole rest of the house.  I cried a little then I took a nice nap.  I could easily jump over the baby gate but I was good and stayed in the laundry room.  I had my quilt and my water bowl and Tiffany's duck.  When the humans came home they fed me dinner.   We took a nice walk around the neighborhood then we hung out outside.
After careful inspection I came to the conclusion that Tiffany is a dog.  She is a very small dog.

Do you know what?  Tiffany gets a bed time snack after she goes outside to potty at night.  I got one at her house too.  I wonder if dogs all around the world get a bedtime snack and I am the only one who is staving.  I am going to start demanding a bedtime snack. I think it is a brilliant idea.

We spent the night at Tiffany's house.  Tiffany slept in her crate.  The humans slept in the bedrooms.  I slept on my quilt in the laundry room but they didn't put a gate up.  In the morning we had a wonderful breakfast - pancakes.  Dale threw the tennis ball for me over and over again.  I had such a fun weekend at Tiffany's house.  Tiffany let me keep her duck because she never plays with it.

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