Sunday, May 11, 2014

My busy weekend

Yesterday we packed up the car and headed south.  First we went to Paisley's 4th birthday party.  Paisley is  Jean's niece's daughter.  She likes dogs.  She is good at petting dogs because she has a dog named Phil.  Charlie was there too with Jen and John.

After the party we went to the farm to visit Grandma and Grandpa.  There is a new dog at the farm.  Her name is Lady and she is very nice.
I really like the farm.  There are cows and horses there but I don't mess with them.  They are in the pasture and I leave them alone.

In the evening when everyone is in the house I go to the sliding glass door and cry.  Eventually they feel sorry for me and let me in.  I am supposed to stay on the little rug by the door. I like laying by Grandpa's feet.
Today is Mother's Day.  I don't remember much about my dog mom.  TJ is my mom.  She adopted me and taught me stuff and loves me.  We had waffles for Mother's Day.  Lady eats really, really fast.  She ate all her waffles then helped me eat mine.  That was okay with me.
I had a very busy weekend.

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