Saturday, May 31, 2014


This morning Jim and Jean took me for a nice long hike on the trail.  It is getting hot so they don't take me running any more.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Helping Jim all day

Today I was outside all day helping Jim.  We worked on cutting wood.  Some men came and put an new mailbox up.  A real nice teenage girl ran over our mailbox with her car.  Her dad and uncle came and put an brand new one in.  There was some thunder so we came inside.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

My toy box

When Charlie is here Jim and Jean put my toy box up high because Charlie likes to chew toys to pieces.  Charlie left yesterday so I got my toy box back.  I especially like my duck.  I like to carry it around the house.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Goodbye Charlie

Today we helped Jim outside.  Jim mowed the grass.  Charlie is still looking for a chipmunk.

After working outside Jim made us stay in the basement to cool off.  For some reason he does not like us slobbering on the floors.

Jen and John came for dinner.  Charlie was so happy to see them that his tail was wagging more than usual.  They took Charlie home with Them.  I will miss him.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Playing with Charlie

Charlie is still here.  There was thunder last night.  I was scared.  Charlie does not realized that thunder is scary.  He is not scared at all.  I slept in Jim and Jean's closet.

Charlie runs around the house looking for a chipmunk.  Sometimes I run with him because I don't want to miss anything.
Charlie has seen the chipmunk but it is very fast and runs away to its hole in the ground.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Another day with Charlie

I am getting used to having Charlie around.  I am a good dog sitter.  Charlie is still looking for a chipmunk and still can't find one.  He just ends up with a muddy nose.  Today Jim went to work.  Jean was outside with Charlie and me when he came home.  We were so happy to see him.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Another day with Charlie

Jim and Jean went to a party last night and got home very late.  That means they slept in today and I had my breakfast late.  Charlie still thinks he is going to catch a chipmunk.  He spends all of his outside time sniffing around.  I spend my outside time playing tennis ball.  Jim was busy at the house.  Jean took me to the trail for a walk.  She didn't think she could handle two dogs by herself so Charlie stayed home.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Charlie day 2

I had to watch Charlie all day yesterday.  He spent the night and now I have to watch him all day today too.  He still thinks he is going to catch a chipmunk.  This morning Jean went for a run and Jim went for a bike ride.  Jean got home first and let us out to play some ball.  Sometimes I get the ball.  Sometimes I let Charlie get the ball.

We were outside with Jean when Jim came riding up the hill on his bicycle.  We were so happy to see him.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Charlie Again

Charlie is here again.  I have to dog sit him.  I have to share my bedroom (the kitchen) with him.  But most importantly I have to share my humans with him.  He likes to be very close to my humans.  I need to make sure I get my share of love.  When we go outside Charlie spends all of his time trying to catch a chipmunk.  I could care less about chipmunks.  I like to chase the tennis ball.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

My New Toy

When TJ and Pat were here they brought me a new toy.  It is a fuzzy green frog with three squeakers inside.  I love it.  It it not very durable.  Jean has to sew it back together every time I play with it.  It is so much fun.  Jean puts it on a shelf and only lets me play with it for a few minutes at a time.  I get so excited when she gives it to me.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Tonight Jim and Jean decided to go for a bike ride.  I can't ride a bike so I had to stay home.  I was sad when they were getting the bikes out and putting air in the tires.  I knew that means I was not going to the trail tonight. They think my paw is sore and I need a rest.  I don't think so.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A regular day

TJ and Pat were here.  I don't have a calendar so I'm not sure what day it was.  When I take a nap I am not sure when I wake up if it's a new day or the same day.  It seems like they have been gone a long time because I have had a lot of naps.  Jim and Jean took me for a walk but we cut it short because my foot was hurting.  There is no reason my foot was hurting.  I'm sure it will be fine.  Jean brushed my hair and gave me lots of loving.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Goodbye Again

Last night I snuggled with TJ and Pat all night.  I love TJ and Pat.  This morning they got up and packed their bags.  They gave me lots and lots of hugs and kisses.
Then they got in the car with Jim and left.  I watch out the window for a long, long time.
Then I laid down on my bed.  It is a sad day for me.  I miss TJ and Pat.  I hope they come back soon.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

A busy day

Jen and Charlie came and spent the night last night.  I got to sleep with TJ and Pat.  I like to snuggle with them.  We had waffles for breakfast.  Then we went on a nice long hike on the new trail.

After the hike the humans played some games in the screen porch.

Charlie and I were very tired so we took a nap.
Next we went to Jen and John's house.  John was home by then.  The humans had pizza.  Then we went to Ted Drewes and I got my own frozen custard.  It was so good.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

A very special day

Today began like any other Saturday.  I got up.  I waited for Jim and Jean to get up and give me breakfast.  Jean took me for a run.  Then the most exciting thing happened.  TJ and Pat came just to see me.  I was so excited I couldn't stop wiggling.  I got lots of hugs and kisses.  I love TJ and Pat.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Getting Ready

I think that company is coming.  I know this because when company comes Jean washed the sheets on the bed in the guest room.  Today she took the sheets off and put them in the washing machine.  I can't wait to see who is coming.  I hope they want to play with me.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

More Outside Time

Today Jim cut the grass in the vineyard.  The vineyard is looking good.  The electric fence is keeping the deer from eating the grapes.  Now there are little caterpillars eating the leaves.  I chased the tennis ball while Jim worked.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Working on the pond

This morning I helped Jim with the pond.  We almost have it all back together.  I got to chase the tennis ball.  It rained all afternoon.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Closed Doors

I don't really like closed doors.  Sometimes I can push them and open them.  Sometimes they are latched tight and I cannot open them.  Today Jim put me in Jean's offer with her two times and closed the door.  The first time he was cleaning the floors.  He thinks I get in the way when he cleans the floor.  Then later he had a photography portrait to take.  I greeted the customer and went to the studio with them.  I was posing by the stool like I am supposed to.  For some reason the customer did not want me in her picture.  Jim put me in the office with Jean again.  I laid and watched the door the whole time.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Boring Monday

Today Jim went to work.  Jean worked at her computer and I was bored.  Jean took me outside at lunchtime to feed the fish and play some tennis ball.  Then we played a little tennis ball later in the afternoon but mostly I was bored.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

My busy weekend

Yesterday we packed up the car and headed south.  First we went to Paisley's 4th birthday party.  Paisley is  Jean's niece's daughter.  She likes dogs.  She is good at petting dogs because she has a dog named Phil.  Charlie was there too with Jen and John.

After the party we went to the farm to visit Grandma and Grandpa.  There is a new dog at the farm.  Her name is Lady and she is very nice.
I really like the farm.  There are cows and horses there but I don't mess with them.  They are in the pasture and I leave them alone.

In the evening when everyone is in the house I go to the sliding glass door and cry.  Eventually they feel sorry for me and let me in.  I am supposed to stay on the little rug by the door. I like laying by Grandpa's feet.
Today is Mother's Day.  I don't remember much about my dog mom.  TJ is my mom.  She adopted me and taught me stuff and loves me.  We had waffles for Mother's Day.  Lady eats really, really fast.  She ate all her waffles then helped me eat mine.  That was okay with me.
I had a very busy weekend.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


I am going to have a fun weekend.  I will tell you more about it later after Jean takes some pictures.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Outside all day

I was outside all day helping Jim fix the pond.  This has been a big project for us.  I will bring Jim the tennis ball to throw.  Sometime I drop it in the pond if he isn't paying attention to me.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Helping Jim

Today Jean worked at her computer like usual.  I helped Jim outside for a while but he wasn't feeling well so we both came in and took a nap.  Jim and Jean went for a race then I helped them in their offices.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Columbine

Last year TJ and Pat  bought Jean a columbine plant for mother's day.  She was so happy it survived the winter and is growing and blooming.

Today I helped Jim outside all day.  We are still fixing the pond.