Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Going Outside

There are a lot of door in our house.  Sometimes we go out the laundry room door.  This leads to the garage.  I keep some extra tennis balls in the garage.  There is a front door.  We don't use the front door very often.  Then there is the basement door.  In the winter we go out this door a lot because the wood pile is out there and Jim gets wood for the wood furnace.  Tonight we went out to get wood and I saw something.  I jumped off the retaining wall to get it.  Jim yelled at me and told me not to do that again.  Sometimes I need to herd the critters out of the yard.  I am a herding dog.

Jim went to work again today and Jean took me for a run.  I was warm today and the snow is melting.  Jean spent a long time brushing my beautiful coat.

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