Friday, February 28, 2014

Jen Came

I was outside all afternoon working with Jim.  I saw a familiar car come up the driveway.  I ran to see who it was.  It was one of my favorite people - Jen!  She usually brings John (another one of my favorite people) and Charlie (my favorite cousin) when she comes but today she came by herself.  Jen and Jean spent the time in the sewing room working with the embroidery machine.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


I was outside all day with Jim.  We are working on cutting up wood.  A tree blew over near the vineyard which we had to cut up.  We had lunch inside then spent the afternoon outside.  I am so tired after all that work.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

more work

i helped Jim outside all day.  We are both exhausted.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

So Tired

I helped Him outside.  I helped Jim take pictures.  I went for a walk with Jim and Jean.  It was a tiring day.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Busy Day

This morning Jim and I went outside and worked.  Jim brought wood up to the house and I fetched the tennis ball.  Jean took me for a walk in the neighborhood when she was done working.  All my friends were outside in their yards.  All the dogs in the neighborhood have electric fences.  They wait at the edge of their yard for me to walk by.  A big box came in the mail with my name on it.  It was from TJ and Pat.  There wasn't anything inside for me.  It was just a bunch of sleeping bags and clothes they weren't using.  I sniffed it real good to see if I could smell my people.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

A good day

Today was a good day.  We played some tennis ball.  Jean brushed my fur.  Jim and Jean took me for a long walk on the Rock Hollow Trail.  We went to that trail because it is paved and the dirt trails are very muddy.  Everyone who saw me on the trail told me how beautiful I am.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Home Alone

This morning we had breakfast and did some stuff around the house.  Jim and Jean went for a race.  They came home and played with me for a while then they left for the evening.  I was home alone most of the day.  When they got home Jean played tennis ball in the basement with me.  I drop the ball and stare at it until Jean picks it up.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Warm Weather

We have had warm weather the last 3 days.  Jean has worn her new flip flops and Jim and I have worked outside.  The ice on the pond melted and the fish came out today.  Jim and Jean were happy to see the fish.  They hid under the rocks when it is cold.  I played tennis ball with Jim.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


This morning I woke to the sound of thunder.  There is not a lot of thunder in the winter.  That is one of the reasons I love winter.  Jim and Jean were not awake yet so I tip-toed back to their room.  Jim told me to sleep in the closet or the bathroom.  It was warm today.  Jim and worked outside until it started to rain.

I like to lay at the top of the stairs in the house so I can see a lot of rooms.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Another boring day

Today Jim was home but he spent all day typing at his computer just like Jean does.  I don't understand why these people need to type on their computers when they could be playing with me.  They did take me for a walk before dinner.  It was nice and warm.  Most of the snow has melted.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Going Outside

There are a lot of door in our house.  Sometimes we go out the laundry room door.  This leads to the garage.  I keep some extra tennis balls in the garage.  There is a front door.  We don't use the front door very often.  Then there is the basement door.  In the winter we go out this door a lot because the wood pile is out there and Jim gets wood for the wood furnace.  Tonight we went out to get wood and I saw something.  I jumped off the retaining wall to get it.  Jim yelled at me and told me not to do that again.  Sometimes I need to herd the critters out of the yard.  I am a herding dog.

Jim went to work again today and Jean took me for a run.  I was warm today and the snow is melting.  Jean spent a long time brushing my beautiful coat.

Monday, February 17, 2014

My day

Jim went to work.  I am bored when Jim goes to work because all Jean does all day is sit at her computer and type away.  Jean did take me for a nice walk in the neighborhood.  I got some green beans at dinner.  I really like green beans.  TJ should try them sometime.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Still winter

It's still winter.  I love winter because I have a nice warm coat.  I love running in the snow.  Today Jean took me for a run in the neighborhood.  She didn't like the icy trails.  None of my friends were out in their yards but it was still a fun run.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Winter Hiking

Jean took me to the trail today for a hike.  It was very icy.  We hiked anyway.  Jean was careful not to slide on the ice.  I ran as usual.

My tennis balls

I have a lot of tennis balls because grandpa plays tennis and has an endless supply.  I just love my tennis balls.  I leave some of them outside so I can always have one to play  with.  Today there was a whole flock of turkeys outside.  They walked all around my tennis ball but did not touch it.  I guess turkeys don't like to play ball.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valetine's Day

Valentines Day is when you tell people you love them.  I love TJ and Pat.  I love Jean and Jim.  I love all the grandmas and grandpas and uncles and aunts and cousins.  For this special day I got to have some green beans and one bite of chicken.  Don't tell TJ and Pat this but Jim gave me some whipped cream to lick off his finger.  It is a special day and I deserve whipped cream because I am loved.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

helping Jim

Today I helped Jim outside with his generator.  He bought one that works and it cost less than the broken one he bought.  I like being outside with Jim.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

watching the olympics

We have been watching the Olympics.  If they had Olympics for dog I would like to ride on a sled.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

working outside

today i spent the whole afternoon outside with Jim.  then Jim and Jean took me for a walk.  i had a good day.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hiking in the Snow

On Sunday mornings Jim and Jean like to sleep in.  I like them to get up and give me my breakfast.  I am a good dog and I let them sleep in.  But I am very excited when they get up.  I had dog food and they had waffles.  I used to get a big plate of waffles but since I am on a diet sometimes they give me a little plate of waffles.  After breakfast we went to the park and hiked the trails.  There were not many people out so I got to hike without being on a leash.  I sprinted down the trail then I sniffed around while Jim and Jean caught up with me.  I love the snow.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

More Snow

It snowed a little overnight.  After breakfast we all went outside and shoveled the driveway.  I also played some tennis ball in the snow.  I just love the snow.  It has been a wonderful winter for a dog with a warm coat.

Friday, February 7, 2014

TJ and Pat love me

TJ and Pat love me.  They send me post cards all the time from all over the country.  Jean always shows them to me.  Today we looked at all the post cards.  They have been a lot of cool places.
Today they sent a box.  There were shoes for Jean and a book for Jim.  I think the visor was for me.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

I want my dinner

I can tell time.  I know when it is dinner time.  It starts to get dark and my tummy feels empty.  I will go to my human and give them my best stare.  Then I will whine a little (Turn up your volume).  I will do my best to let the humans know I am starving.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Work before breakfast

It snowed more last night.  I went outside and helped Jim plow the driveway before breakfast.  I was so hungry.  Jim had to go to work.  At lunchtime I helped Jean shovel the sidewalk and deck.  We played a little tennis ball in the snow.  I like the snow.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snowy Day

Today started like any other day.  Jean's alarm went off,  I went back to the bedroom to tell Jim and Jean good morning.  Jean worked.  At lunchtime Jean took me for a run.  It was just starting to snow.  It was fun running in the snow with Jean.  Jim cleaned the house.  Jim and I needed a nap in the afternoon while Jean worked.  Then Jim and I went outside and shoveled the driveway.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Superbowl Sunday

This morning Jim made waffles.  I have not had anything but dog food since my diet started in December.  Since it is Superbowl Sunday which is a holiday Charley and I got some waffles.  They were so good.  There was a little snow overnight.  Jim and Jean shoveled the driveway while Charley and I played in the snow.  Then Jim and Jean went shopping and left me home to watch Charley.  Usually when I am home alone I get the run of the house.  When Charley is here they gate us in the kitchen.  That's okay with me because the kitchen is plenty big for two dogs and I have my bed, my water bowl and my window to look out.  We are watching the Superbowl tonight.  This means Jim is eating snacks and not sharing with me.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Charlie and a Rainy Day

Today it rained all day.  This means I had to spend the day in the house and Jean wipes my feet off every time I come inside.  I am dogsitting Charlie tonight.  Jen brought him by this morning.  He was happy to be here but he whined when Jen left.  I understand missing your humans.  I miss TJ and Pat.  I also miss Jim and Jean when they leave.   But I know my humans will always come back for me.  Charlie doesn't have to worry because his humans will come back for him.  Charlie and I helped Jean in her sewing room today.