Thursday, January 2, 2014

The vet again

We woke up this morning and there was snow!  I went out to help Jim with the driveway.  He got his mower stuck and TJ and Pat had to help him get it back on the driveway.
Next TJ and Pat took me to the vet.  I hurt my nail yesterday.  They looked on the internet and the internet  told them to take me to the vet.  At the vet it really, really hurt and I cried.  Then they wrapped it up.  I am not supposed to run and play for five days.  I do not like the vet.  First they put me on a diet then they tell me I can't play.  I have to leave the bandage on my foot.  If I start chewing on it then I have to get the cone of shame.  I do not want to wear a cone so I am going to be good.

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