Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year's Eve

Today is New Year's Eve.  That means there will be fireworks tonight at midnight.  That means that I will be sleeping in Jim and Jean's room.  Today Jean took me outside and threw the tennis ball over and over and over until I got tired and laid down to rest.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My Busy Day

This morning I a man came to look at the furnace.  I greeted him with my toy chicken.  Then I brought my ball to him.  I helped him the whole time he was here.  He really liked me because he only charged Jim for a half hour when he was really here an hour.  I was a big help.
Then this afternoon we took a long walk and then a short run on the trails.  It was a sunny day.  I was plenty warm but Jim and Jean had to put on coats.  We saw Jean's friend Kathy running on the trail.  When we got home I had to have a bath in the sink in the laundry room because my feet were muddy.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Watching for TJ and Pat

Today I spent a lot of time looking out the window.  TJ and Pat have been gone a couple days and I think it is time for them to come back.  I would ring my bell to go outside then I would lay on the driveway and watch for them.  They never came.  I'm sure they will come back for me.  Jim and Jean took me for a walk in the neighborhood.  We were halfway through our walk and we heard gunshots.  I do not like gunshots, thunder and fireworks.  I pulled Jim and Jean back to the house as fast as I could.  They wanted to keep walking but I wasn't having any of it.  I wanted to be home safe in the house.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

My New Toys

I got a lot of new toys for Christmas.  When Charlie comes they put my toys on a high shelf because Charlie love toys so much he tear them to bits.  They give Charlie an old chewed up toy to play with.  Today Charlie left.  Jim and Jean took Charlie to see Ken and Peggy.  Ken and Peggy are going to take him to Indiana to visit Buddy.  Then Jen and John will pick him up.  When Charlie left Jean got my toys down from the shelf.  I was so happy to see my new toys I carried them into the great room and played with them.

Hanging out with Charlie

Jim and Jean used to put a gate up so Charlie and I had to stay in the kitchen at night.  They haven't been putting the gate up lately.  They just close their bedroom door.  Friday night TJ and Pat were here and I snuggled in bed with them.  Charlie came in their room and gave them a sad look so they brought the dog bed in and Charlie slept by their bed an the floor.  Then TJ and Pat left.  I was back to my bed in the kitchen.  Charlie had his rug in the kitchen but he kept going to Jim and Jean's bedroom door and whining so Jim put the gate back up.

This morning we helped Jim outside.  He was cleaning the chimney.  Then we were tired so we came in and watched football.  Football is a good activity when you are tired because it is very boring and you can take lots of naps.  If you miss something exciting then they will show it again.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Goodbye Again

This morning TJ and Pat got up early.  I think it was the middle of the night because it was dark outside and it was not breakfast time yet.  They packed all their stuff.  They took their kayaks and all their bags.  The took everything they needed except me.  They left me with Jim and Jean.  They gave me lots of hugs and kisses and drove off.  I am left here to babysit Charlie.  It is a very rainy day today.  I am stuck in the house with Jim and Jean and Charlie all day.

Friday, December 26, 2014


Yesterday was Christmas.  Jen, John and Charlie spent the night so we could get up and open presents.  I got lots of presents because I was a very, very, very good boy.  I got squeaky toys and balls.  Everyone left for Christmas parties and I stayed home and took a nap.  Then TJ and Pat came home and played with me.  It was a wonderful Christmas.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

Happy Christmas Eve.  Today Jim and Jean took me for a walk.  Jean put my Santa hat on but it didn't last long because it falls off. We walked by my friend Sammy's house and got to play with her.  I watered all her trees and bushes.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A run and a bath

It finally stopped raining.  Jim and Jean took me for a nice run.  After that Pat gave me a bath.  Then time for a nap.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Rainy Monday

It's finally winter.  Instead of snow it rained all day.  Rainy days are very boring but today was not bad because Pat was here to play ball with me in the basement.  It love it when Pat and TJ are here to play with me.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Running With Jean

This morning Jim and Jean went for a run.  Then when they got back Jean took me for another run.  Jean really likes to run.  We ran in the neighborhood.  I got so see some of my friends that were outside.  TJ and Pat are still at the Beezley's.  I like going to the Beezley's but I am not allowed in their house because their cats are scared of me.  I like cats.  I wouldn't hurt them but I would be curious and want to sniff them.  I played with my Santa toy.

Saturday, December 20, 2014


Today Jim and Jean got up early to go for a race.  I slept in with TJ and Pat.  Everyone knows that Saturday morning is for sleeping in.  When Jim and Jean got home we were up but we were still relaxing in our jammies.  Well not  me - I don't wear jammies.  Jim and Jean went shopping and TJ and Pat went to visit with Pat's parents.  I am fine with that because Jim and Jean were here to feed me dinner.  I get a bit worried when no one is home to feed me dinner.  We watched football and relaxed this evening.  TJ and Pat are staying with Pat's parents which means I am sleeping on my bed in the kitchen all by myself.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Movie Night

TJ, Pat and I stayed up late last night and watched Sons of Anarchy.  We had a good time.
Tonight Charlie came over and brought Jen and John with him.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


We had about an inch of snow last night.  There was not enough to play in the snow so the humans spent the day inside.

Here are a couple pictures from our hike yesterday.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A new trail

This morning we decided to go hiking.  First we looked in the book to find a hiking trail.
Then we got the car and went hiking.  First we went to the Clark trail but it was too muddy so then we went to Klondike Park and went on a nice hike.  The humans went to lunch and wineries while I guarded the car.  We had a nice day.  We got home after my dinner time.  I was starving!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Going Visiting

Today we went to visit Pat's Nana.  I just love Nana because she lets me come in her house and she always has treats for me.  Then I went to visit Charlie.  I had dinner with Charlie.  Then I came back to Jim and Jean's.  I had a good day of visiting.

Monday, December 15, 2014


This morning I played with TJ and Pat.  They go to the basement to exercise and I help them.  This afternoon TJ and Pat went to run errands and Jim and Jean took me for a walk in the neighborhood.  I really like having TJ and Pat here.  I get lots of love.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Road Trip

Last night we spent the night at the farm.  The humans went out to dinner and Grandpa brought me back a steak bone.  TJ and Pat don't eat steak so I am very happy when someone gives me a bone.  They left me on the closed in back porch but I opened the door myself and went outside.  I wanted to play with Lady.   I get to come in the house and visit in the evening.  I am supposed to stay on the rug by the door but when no one is looking I inch myself across the floor to be closer to my people.
We went to the Caster River Shut-Ins.  It is a very pretty place.

We also went to Elephant Rocks and took a hike.
Then we drove home to see Jim and Jean.  We had a fun road trip.

Saturday, December 13, 2014


This morning we got up and had breakfast.  Then TJ and Pat packed up and we got in their car and went for an adventure.  First we went to the St.  Francis River to go rafting.  We all wear our life vests so we are safe.  Rafting in December is cold but we dress for the weather.  This was my first time in their new raft.  Then after rafting we are spending the night at the farm.  I just love going to see Grandma and Grandpa.

Friday, December 12, 2014


I love it when TJ and Pat are here because we snuggle all night long.  Today the humans all left and I was home alone.  That's okay with me because I can catch up on my naps.  When they got home TJ and Pat took me for a nice hike.  We had fun, fun, fun.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Making Plans

Jim and Jean are going to go on a big hike.  TJ, Pat and I helped them look at the map and plan where to go.  I am good at planning.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Running Errands

Today I ran errands with TJ and Pat.  It was so much fun and I was a big helper.  I love riding in their car.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Gone again

TJ and Pat were here one night.  We had a wonderful time snuggling together.  Then they left.  I'm sure they will come back because they left lots of stuff here.  Today  Jean took me for a nice walk at lunchtime.  We went to the neighborhood and I saw my friend the Great Dane.  Now I am just hanging out wondering when TJ and Pat will  come back to see me.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

They're Back!

Yesterday I  had a feeling all day someone was coming.  Jean washed the sheets on the guest room bed.  Jean was spending time in the kitchen cooking a nice dinner.  I kept looking out the window.  I rang my bell so I could go outside.  Then finally a car came driving up the driveway.  They were honking their horn.  It was TJ and Pat!  They came all the way from Florida just to see me!  I was so excited I ran around in circles.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Rainy Day

Today is rained all day.  It was raining when I woke up.  It was raining at lunch.  It was raining at dinner.  Now is it still raining.  This means I had a boring day in the house.  Jean did play tennis ball with me in the basement.

I think someone is going to come to visit.  I know this because Jean is washing the sheets on the guest room bed.  She does this every time someone comes to stay.  I wander who it will be.  I hope they will want to play ball with me.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Another Day in the House

Today was not really rainy but it was wet outside.  It was another boring day in the house.  When I have a boring day in the house I play with my today, I get Jim and Jean to throw the ball for me and I take lots of naps.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

My Wednesday

Today I helped Jim outside.  We cleaned the pond and trimmed the pond plants.  Jim and Jean took me for a walk in the neighborhood.  My friend Sammy was at the window of her house barking to me.  The three yapping little dogs with sweaters on came out in the street and greeted me.  Their electric fence must not have been working.  In the evening I usually take a nap.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

My collar and my Santa

This morning Jim noticed I was not jingling as usual.  Then he noticed that my collar was gone.  He asked me where it was.  They knew it had to be close by because I had it on when we went for a walk on Sunday.  They looked all over the house and did not find it.  Then they put on their coats and we went outside.  Jean found it in the leaves on the hill not far from the driveway.  Somehow it had come unlatched.  They put it back on and my tags are jingling again.

Jean got out my Santa toy.  It has a plastic bottle in it so it makes a wonderful crackling sound when I chew on it.  I have been having fun with my Santa.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Cold again

Yesterday was warm.  The humans took me for a walk with no coats.  Today is cold again.  The humans need their coats.  I never have to worry about putting a coat on because I am always wearing me beautiful coat.

Sunday, November 30, 2014


Today the weather is warm.  The humans don't even need coats.  We went for a nice walk on the Al Foster Trail.  There was water in the creek so I could get a drink.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Early to Bed

Today we got up and decorated for Christmas.  We had to get the tree out.  This is an inside tree.  It doesn't smell like a tree at all.  Jim and Jean fuss with it and put lights and ornaments on it.  Then we all went outside and put up lights outside.  That was fun.  Jean threw the tennis ball over and over for me.  Then she brushed me.  Then she cleaned the leaves out of the pond.  It was a nice warm day.  The fish were all out swimming around.  I drop my ball in the pond when Jean is not paying attention to me.  I was so tired from all that work I put myself to be early.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

You may have noticed I have not posted my Blog for a few days.  I have been away having fun!

We packed up the car on Tuesday and went hiking.  First we went to Hughes Mountain.  Jim and Jean wore orange vests and I wore a bright bandanna because is was hunting season and we didn't want to be mistaken for a deer.  We don't look anything like deer.  I was happy we didn't hear any gunshots.

Next we went to Taum Sauk Mountain and hiked to the highest point in Missouri.  We also so the tallest waterfall.
Then we went to the farm.  I brought one of my tennis balls to play with.
 I played with my friend Lady.
 We walked up to the pond where I could get a nice cool drink.
 There are lots of sticks on the farm.
 On Thanksgiving Charlie came.  He brought Jen and John with him.  We all had a good Thanksgiving dinner.  Grandpa knows how to feed a dog.  We get canned dog food and lots of table scraps.  I just love the farm.  After a busy day Charlie and I got to come in the house and watch football.

Now I am home.  Jim and Jean took me for a 5 mile run this afternoon.  I had a bath and now I am clean and fluffy and very tired.