There are inside trees and outside trees. Jim and Jean spent a lot of time putting up an inside tree. They call it a Christmas tree. Here is the difference between the Christmas tree and an outside tree: Outside trees are real. The Christmas tree is pretend. Outside trees are plain. The Christmas tree has ornaments and lights. You can pee on an outside tree. You cannot pee on an inside tree. After they put up the Christmas tree they took me for a nice long run on the trail where I could pee on the trees.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
Black Friday
Today is black Friday. It is a day when all the humans go shopping. We had pancakes for breakfast. Jim and Jean did some stuff around the house then decided to go shopping. They were not gone very long because they would rather take me for a hike than shop with all the crazy people. They took me for a nice long hike. I got to be off the leash most of the time. It was a good day.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving
We had a Thanksgiving party. We had 21 people and 2 dogs. Charlie and I each got a whole plate of food. There was turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy and lots of good stuff. I am Thankful for dinner and tennis balls.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Hiking at Castlewood
Today Jim and Jean took me to one of my favorite parks - Castlewood State Park. We took a nice long hike. The best part was that Jim threw a stick for me when we got to the big field. It was so much fun.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
A different kind of Tuesday
Today Jim went to work. Jean stayed home but did not work. We went for a nice long run. I like it when Jean takes off work because she likes to take me for a hike or a run.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Monday Hike
Jean took the day off work today. I love it when Jean takes off work because instead of sitting at her desk all day she takes me for a hike. There are not many people hiking on Monday so I got to be off the leash. I get to sniff around then sprint as fast as I can to catch up. It is so much fun. Jim even found a stick and threw it for me.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Running with Jean in the cold
This morning when we got up it was a nice cold crisp morning. The pond had ice on it. Jean took me for a run. When it is cold Jean has to spend a lot of time getting ready. She puts on a couple shirts and gloves and hats and warm socks. I am ready to go because I am always wearing my beautiful coat.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
An overnight with Charlie
Yesterday Jim and Jean dropped me off at Charlie's house. I stayed overnight. I got to eat dinner and breakfast there. John threw the ball for us. I had to try to get the ball from under the chair. They even let me get up on the bed with them to watch TV. I had fun at Charlie's house. I was happy when Jean and Jim picked me up today. I was happy to come home and play with my toys.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Jean's Camera
This weekend when Charlie was here we all went for a walk. It was raining and we had to take cover. Jean took some pictures. Then we ran in the rain to get back to the car. When we got home she realized her camera dropped out of the little camera bag. Jean and Jim went back to the trail with their bikes but they did not find the camera. Jean was sad because there were some beautiful pictures of me on that camera. Well today the camera was in the mailbox. We do not know who put it there. Jean was so happy to have her camera back. I think that someone saw my picture on the camera and knew where I lived. Here are some of the pictures from the weekend.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Regular Day
Today was a regular day. I helped Jim outside in the morning. He brought some wood up to the house. I let him throw a stick for me. Then it rained so I spent the afternoon in the house with Jean. Then Jim and Jean took me for a run. I am enjoying running with them since the weather is cooler now.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Sometimes I tired
Today was boring because Jim went to work. Jean took me for a walk. In the evening I was tired so I put myself to bed early. I do this sometimes. Jim always makes me get up and go outside before I can go to bed for the night.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Today I worked outside with Jim all afternoon. Then I went for a run with Jim and Jean. I was so tired I slept all evening.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Busy Sunday
Charlie spent the weekend with us. When he is here Jim and Jean put the gate up at night so we have to sleep in the kitchen. I am good at staying in the kitchen on my bed but Charlie might wander around the house and give people kisses when they aren't expecting them. We had waffled for breakfast. There were plenty waffles for Charlie and me. Jim and Jean took us for a nice walk on the trail. It started raining so we waited under a bridge for a while. Charlie and I don't mind getting wet but Jim and Jean do. When we got home the electricity was off. I don't have much need for electricity. My dinner doesn't have to be cooked and you don't need electricity to play tennis ball. Charlie went home. Jim cooked on the barbecue and they had candlelight dinner.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Two dogs and two balls
Charlie is here this weekend. I am dog sitting him. It is hard work to keep track of Charlie. Jean took us outside to play ball. She had two balls so we could each chase one. I bring my ball back so Jean can throw it again. Charlie just runs around with his ball in his mouth. He is a silly boy.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Hiking through the leaves
Today we went to Rockwood Reservation for a nice hike through the leaves. I was off the leash most of the time because there was no one on the trail. It was so much fun. There were so many new smells.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
My tennis balls
I have lots of tennis balls because Jean's dad plays tennis and gives me the used balls. They are perfectly good balls and I love them. I have some inside and some outside. I really can't tell the difference. For some reason Jean does not want me to bring my inside balls out or my outside balls in. They are all tennis balls to me. Today we were going outside and I had a tennis ball in my mouth. Jean said, "Drop it". I am a good boy so I dropped it but I picked it back up. Then she said drop it again and I dropped it. Then I quickly picked it up again. We did this several times until Jean grabbed it so I couldn't pick it up. Then we went outside and got and outside ball and played catch.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Running with Jean
Today Jim had to go take some pictures. I was home with Jean. She decided to take me for a run in the neighborhood. Here is how the runs goes. We run up a big, big, big hill. Jean is always huffing and puffing but I don't think it's that bad. Once we get to the top of the hill we run past Maddie's house, then we run past the house with the two Corgi's. Next we run by Oreo's house. Then there are two labs called Sonny and Sky. They live next door to my friend Sammy. We head down the next street where we run by two black dogs who always bark. Then there are the three little dogs who wears sweaters in the winter. Then we run by the malamute's house. He never barks but he likes to howl when we run by. We ran the whole subdivision then we headed back down the hill. Jean turned around to go back up. This is not how the run goes. We are supposed to run down the hill then have dinner. I refused to go back up. Jean dragged me. She was just going up to the corner where she left the plastic back with my poop. She always puts my poop in a bag and carries it home. Then we ran home and I had my dinner.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Today Jim and I spent the whole day outside working. Jim worked with his chain saw. I stay away from the saw. I keep track of sticks and tennis balls. I watch the deer walk by in the woods. Jean sits at her desk all day. She calls it work. Jim and I do the real work.
It is finally cold here. I love winter because I have a beautiful, warm fur coat. There was a little snow on the deck this morning when we got up. It was not enough to run and play in.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
A fun Sunday
This morning we worked outside. I helped Jim in the vineyard. I have my favorite tree I like to lay under and watch Jim. One of the neighbors stopped by to talk. His name is Jim. It is confusing when all the men are named Jim. Jim (the neighbor) threw the ball for me.
Jean and Jim took me to the trail for a walk. We walked from the old trail to a new trail. The new trail was short but I liked it because I could be off the leash.
Jean and Jim took me to the trail for a walk. We walked from the old trail to a new trail. The new trail was short but I liked it because I could be off the leash.
Then Jean's friend Kathy stopped by. Kathy likes me and she likes to throw the ball for me. I make sure the drop the ball right in her lap.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
A good Saturday
This morning Jim and Jean went for a race. They both ran fast and won awards. When they got home it was a beautiful day so we spent to whole afternoon outside. They planted some fruit trees and extra grape plants. Jean cleaned out the fish pond. I helped by chasing the tennis ball.
Sometimes I just like to lay in the leaves and look beautiful.
Sometimes I just like to lay in the leaves and look beautiful.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Eating Lunch
Every day Jim and Jean eat lunch. I get breakfast and dinner but I don't get lunch. I am very hungry. I watch Jim very carefully in case he wants to share his lunch with me. He always give me something - a bite of sandwich, some chips or my favorite - cheese puffs.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Our walk
Every day Jean likes to take me for a walk or a run. When we run I am supposed to just run and not stop and sniff at everything. Today was a walking day. When we walk I get to sniff at all the good smells. I especially like the bushes by the pond.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Jim and Jean have been taking me running a lot lately. Today we went for a nice run in the neighborhood. I am helping them train for a race. I am a really good runner. I am trying to teach them to run faster but they only have two legs to run with. I am much superior with my four fast legs.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
My ball rolls
I love my balls. They roll and roll. I love it when someone throws my ball and I can chase it. Today was rainy so I didn't get to play outside. Jean was at her sewing machine so I put my ball in her lap. It rolled off and under the desk where she has her sewing machine. Then I had to push her out of the way so I could get my ball. We did this over and over until she called me a pest.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Today Jim and Jean took me for a nice run on the trails. We ran almost 6 miles. When Jim and Jean come back from a run they take a shower. They take showers every day. Sometimes they even shower twice in a day. Humans must stink. I only need a bath when I get muddy which isn't very often. That's okay because I don't especially like baths. After our run I was tired and needed a nap.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Daylight savings time
For some reason humans feel a need to change their clocks an hour. They do this twice a year. This means that my dinner is an hour late in November. I do not like it very much. I am hungry and want my dinner regardless of what the humans do to their clocks. I have a suggestion. Instead of turning the clock an hour in the fall then back to normal in the spring just move them a half hour and be done with it.
Today we took a nice walk to Castlewood. We all like the nice fall weather. Jim threw a stick in the field and let me get a drink from the river.
Today we took a nice walk to Castlewood. We all like the nice fall weather. Jim threw a stick in the field and let me get a drink from the river.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Jean's new shoes
This morning Jim and Jean went for a race. I had to stay home. I hope someday that I get to go for a race with them. When they got home Jean got a package. Inside the package were a pair of new shoes that TJ and Pat gave her for her birthday. Jean loves her new shoes. I love them more because she put them on and took me for a long walk.
Fall Colors
Jim and Jean like to go outside and look at the fall colors. They think the trees are beautiful. I think I want them to throw a stick or a tennis ball so I can chase it. I don't pay much attention to the colors.
Friday, November 1, 2013
More work
Today I helped Jim outside again. We have a lot of work to do. I watch him and let him throw the ball for me. I love to be outside with Jim. Jean just types at her computer all day. She calls it work. Jim and I do real work outside.
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