Sunday, September 29, 2013

Back home

Today Jim and Jean took me for a run.  I have not been running with them for a long time because it has been too hot.  This morning it was nice and cool so we ran through the subdivision.  I got to see my friends.  We checked on the vineyard and played some tennis ball.  When I want a snack I stand by the pantry because I know that is where they keep them.  I love the dog cookies in the green box.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Riding in the Envoy

When we ride in the Envoy Jim usually puts the seat down behind him and puts my bed down so I have a nice comfy place to lay.  I am not supposed to sit on the seat but if Jim and Jean leave me in the car alone then I feel I need to jump in the front so I can keep track of things.  They never leave me alone in the car for very long.  Sometimes they put put me in the very back of the Envoy.  Jim has a big tool box he keeps back there.  I like to lay on top of the tool box because I see everything.

Going Hiking

We did a lot of hiking on vacation.  We hike to natural bridges and creeks.  We saw a turtle.  We also saw an old stone building called the castle.

After a long day of hiking we had dinner at a place called Larry's on the Lake.  It was an outside restaurant and they liked dogs.  They brought me my own bucket of water.  I enjoyed watching the boats on the lake.


Sometimes I don't understand Jim and Jean.  At out house they have a little pond.  It has fish in it.  The gave the fish names and they take care of them.  They clean the water and feed them.  They really like their fish.  Then we go on vacation and the go fishing.  They try to catch fish with very sharp hooks.  Then they want eat them.  I just don't understand it.  I went with them and patiently watched while they went fishing.

My vacation

I am finally back from my adventure.  We went camping.  I was with Jim and Jean all week.  We had so much fun.  My most important job was watching over camp.
We did a lot of fishing and hiking.  At the end of the day I was very tired.  We brought my bed from home and I slept in the camper with Jim and Jean.  I like being close to them.  The camper has lots of beds but I sleep on my bed on the floor.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

car rides

i am not supposed to sit on the seat in the car.  if jim and jean leave me alone in the car i am in charge so i jump to the front seat so i can see everything.  if they are in the car sometimes i rest my head on the seat.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

a fun day

toda we went on a long hike.  then we went out to dinner at an ouside restaurant.  they brought me a whole bucket of water.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

an adventure

today we took a long car ride. We are going on trip.  i am glad they took me.  I was nervous when they were getting readt.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Tonight we went to Jen and John's house for Applefest.  The humans sat on the driveway and made apple butter.  The dogs played in the back yard.  Charlie was there of course.  Oswald was visiting also.  Oswald is just a puppy and he belongs to Casey and Marcus.  He just wants to play all the time.  I would rather hang out with the humans.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Rainy Day Boring

Today it rained.  Jim and Jean think the rain is good.  I do not.  Rain means I have to stay inside all day.  Boring.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A good day with Jean

Jim goes to work on Thursday which means I am home with Jean.  Jean spends most of the day working on her computer.  Today she took me for a nice walk at lunch time.  After our walk we had lunch then fed the fish.  We plays some tennis ball.  We played some more ball before dinner then Jean fed me my dinner.  Jim and Jean take good care of me.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cooling Off

Today Jim and Jean left after breakfast and were gone most of the day.  This means I did not get my cookie for lunch.  They got home in time to feed me dinner.  After dinner Jean took me outside and brushed me.  Then she threw my Frisbee and my tennis ball a bunch of times.  When I came back in and I was hot and they made me stay in the kitchen until I cooled off.  They don't like me slobbering on the wood floors.  I am a good boy and do as I am told.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


It has not rained much for weeks.  Tonight Jean got my leash and we went outside for our evening walk and it was raining.  I thought we should just walk in the rain but Jean didn't want a wet dog in the house.  Instead we played tennis ball in the basement.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Jean likes to read.  Today she went to the library and got a book about me.  The book is called "The Genius of Dogs".  I'm not sure why they didn't put a picture of me on the cover.  I'm sure I am much smarter than the dog on the cover.  Everyone who knows me agrees that I am a very smart boy.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Home on Sunday

Today started out like a lot of other Sundays - with waffles.  Jim and Jean left for most of the day.  They were home in time to feed me dinner.  We played some tennis ball and walked out to the garden.  Later Jean took me outside to play more tennis ball but it was raining.  She threw the tennis ball one time then told me we had to go in the house.  I stood there and stared at her.  I could not believe she would
only throw the ball one time.  We came in the house and we went into the basement and she threw the ball until my tongue hung out.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Old Farm Winery

Today we went to Old Farm Winery to help pick grapes.  Jim and Jean's friends own the vineyard.  It is much much bigger than Jim's vineyard.  It is huge!  They needed me to help because I always help Jim in his vineyard.  There were 30 people and 8 dogs there.  Of course I was the most beautiful dog.  I made a lot of new friends.  We all worked in the vineyard all morning then all the people went into the house.  Jim told me to wait outside.  I sat patiently on the porch until someone opened the door then I walking inside.  I went to find Jim and Jean.  You will never guess what they were doing.  All the humans were sitting at long tables and they were eating one of my favorite foods - cheese puffs.  They were eating other things too like salad and sandwiches but there were big bowls of cheese puffs on the table. I cannot believe they were making me sit outside while they ate cheese puffs.  Jim gave me a cheese puff then put me outside.  In about one minute someone let me in again.  Then I got more cheese puffs.  Next we all went outside again.  We worked in the vineyard all afternoon.  Then there was pizza for dinner.  I had some pizza crust.  They worked in the vineyard a while longer then we went home.  I had a late dinner.  It was a good day outside with Jim and Jean all day.


Friday, September 13, 2013

My red toy

I love my red toy.  I only have two toys that still squeak, my red toy and my wine bottle.  Jim and Jean keep the wine bottle on the shelf because it is very loud.  I can play with my red toy whenever I want.  I just love that squeaking sound.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

I need my beauty rest

It may seems like there are a lot of pictures of me sleeping.  I work very hard around here.  I have to help Jim and Jean with all their chores.  I am need my beauty rest because everyone knows I am a beautiful boy.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Lots of Outside Time

Today I spent a lot of time outside.  Jim and I were outside all day working.  It was hot but I like to hang out in the shade.  After dinner Jim likes to sit on the couch and watch TV and drink a beer.  I would like to relax too but Jean likes me to go for a walk with her.  We had a nice walk.  I like to sniff and Jean let me take my time and sniff all I wanted.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The News

I know the 5 o'clock news.  I know the music they play and I know that at 5 o'clock I get my dinner.  I am happy when the new comes on.  NBC played a mean trick on me.  They have a 4 o'clock new and it plays the same music.  I hear that and I want my dinner.  I go to Jean's office and give her my starving face and she makes me wait until 5.  I am sooooo hungry.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Working Hard

Jim and I spent the whole morning outside working.  He worked with his chain saw and I chased the ball and laid in the shade and watched him.  It was too hot to work outside in the afternoon so we came into the air conditioning.  After dinner Jean took me for a nice walk in the neighborhood.  I got to play with my friend Sammy.  It was a good day.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday Company

Jen, John and Charlie came this morning.  They left Charlie and I at home to guard the house while the humans went shopping.  Then they came home and they had lunch.  We fed the fish and ran around a while.  They had to go home.  Jean and Jim took me to the trail for a nice walk.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

The sunsets

I will tell you about Jim and Jean's house.  It is a nice house that sits on a hill.  There are hills all around it.  The hill get in the way of seeing the sunset.  Jean like to take me for a walk in the evening to the top of the hill in the subdivision so we can enjoy the sunset.  I like my walks with Jean.

Friday, September 6, 2013

My rawhide

I just love my rawhide.  TJ and Pat bought me a big bag of rawhides when they were here.  Sometimes I just like to carry my rawhide around the house and other times I chew on it.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Watching for Jim

Jim rode his bicycle to work this week.  When he drives the car I can hear him drive up with my super keen ears.  His bicycle is very, very quiet and I do not hear him pedal up the driveway.  I have to sit and watch out the window.  As soon as I saw him I squealed with delight and ran to the door so Jean would let me out and I could see run to Jim.  I miss Jim when he goes to work.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The weather

I can give you a weather report.  To warm to run in a fur coat but just right for a nice walk.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ear Drops

I have to have ear drops in my right ear twice a day.  I do not like ear drops.  Jim will get a cookie out.  I am supposed to lay down on my side.  I lay down but I don't want to lay on my side.  I do not want ear drops.  They make me have ear drops then I get my cookie.  My ear feels all better but they keep putting the drops in my ear.  I am a good dog but I don't like ear drops.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day

Today is Labor Day which means Jean did not have to work.  Jim and Jean got up early and went for a bike ride while I stayed home.  I helped Jim outside all afternoon in the vineyard.  He works and I lay in the shade and watch him.  Then we played some tennis ball.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Meeting Kinsey

This morning we got up early and had waffles for breakfast.  Then we decided to take a walk before it got too hot.  We went to Castlewood State Park.
While we were walking we saw the Winders.  They were walking their dog Kinsey.  They have not had Kinsey very long.  She is a very nice dog.  Kinsey and I relaxed while our humans talked.
Then I took a swim in the river.  After we got home I had to have a bath.  It got hot so we stayed in the air conditioning and watched the Cardinals baseball game on TV.  My ear is much, much better.