Sunday, August 4, 2013

Fun on the Farm

On Friday we packed up the Envoy and headed to the farm.  Jim put the seat down behind his seat and put my bed there.  I could lay down and nap or look out the window.

There are many good things about the farm - Rusty lives there, canned dog food, waffles and grandma and grandpa.  I like going to the farm.

Rusty is my half-brother.  I think we have the same mother but different fathers.  Rusty and I played chase around the yard.  It is one of my favorite games.

Then I helped Grandpa and Tom in the shed.  They are working on a tractor.  I helped to supervise them.

We drove home then we unpacked.  Next Jim and Jean took me for a five mile run on the trail.  I got to take a break half way and take a swim in the river.  When we got home we went out to check the vineyard and garden.
 Next I had to have a bath.  Now I am clean and fluffy.
I was so tired I needed a nap.

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