Today started like any other day. We got up. I had my breakfast. Jean went to her office. Jim and I went and checked the vineyard. In the afternoon something exciting happened. TJ and Pat drove up. I was so excited I ran around in circles and wagged my butt. I love TJ and Pat and I haven't seen them in a long, long, long time. I am so happy they are here.
After we visited a while we loaded up the car and went to the river with the canoe and the stand up paddle boards. First I tried the paddle board with TJ.
Then I rode in the canoe for a while.
I like to sit on the bench. I don't have to paddle. I got tired and took a nap.
Next I rode on the paddle board wtih Pat.
It was such a fun day. The best thing about having TJ and Pat here is that I get to sleep with them. I hope they stay a long time.
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