Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Working on the steps
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Back to normal
Last night when it was bedtime I went to Jim and Jean's closet. It wasn't storming but sometimes I just like to be close to them. They let me sleep in the closet if I want. Today I helped Jim outside a while then I helped Jean in her office. It's back to my normal routines.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Today I spent the whole day outside with Jim. He was working in the yard and I was watching him. We played lots and lots of tennis ball. It is so nice outside. Jean was in her office working all day. TJ and Pat didn't come back.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
TJ and Pat left yesterday and did not come back. This means I had to sleep on my bed in the kitchen. I just love it when they are here because I get to sleep with them. I watched out my window for them today but they did not come. I helped Jim and Jean outside and we played lots of tennis ball and frisbee. We took a short walk through the neighborhood.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
This morning TJ and Pat were packing. I did not eat my breakfast because I knew something was going on. But then they took me in their car and we went to visit Pat's Nana and Grandma and Grandpa. I just love going visiting. They took me back to Jim and Jean's house and did more packing. They gave me lots of hugs and belly rubs.
Maybe they will take me with them this time. But they got in their car a drove away. I watched their car drive away. I don't know if they will be back in a few hours, a few days or a few months.
I went all day without finishing my breakfast. When it was dinner time Jim put some hamburger on my food and I ate it up. Then after dinner Jim and Jean took me to Castlewood for a nice long walk on the trails.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Another Party
Tonight we had another big party. We had 21 people and 2 dogs. It was so much fun. I was happy because Trevor and Paisley came. I love kids because they like to play with me. The grandparents were all here. It was a good day.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
I love TJ and Pat
I was so excited when TJ and Pat came yesterday. I ran around in circles I was so excited. I got to snuggle with them all night. This morning TJ, Jean, and Jim took me to the trail for a nice run. Pat had to go take care of some car stuff. I was a little worried when he left but he came back quickly. I am so happy they are here.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
A Big Surprise
Today started like any other day. We got up. I had my breakfast. Jean went to her office. Jim and I went and checked the vineyard. In the afternoon something exciting happened. TJ and Pat drove up. I was so excited I ran around in circles and wagged my butt. I love TJ and Pat and I haven't seen them in a long, long, long time. I am so happy they are here.
After we visited a while we loaded up the car and went to the river with the canoe and the stand up paddle boards. First I tried the paddle board with TJ.
Then I rode in the canoe for a while.
I like to sit on the bench. I don't have to paddle. I got tired and took a nap.
Next I rode on the paddle board wtih Pat.
It was such a fun day. The best thing about having TJ and Pat here is that I get to sleep with them. I hope they stay a long time.
After we visited a while we loaded up the car and went to the river with the canoe and the stand up paddle boards. First I tried the paddle board with TJ.
Then I rode in the canoe for a while.
I like to sit on the bench. I don't have to paddle. I got tired and took a nap.
Next I rode on the paddle board wtih Pat.
It was such a fun day. The best thing about having TJ and Pat here is that I get to sleep with them. I hope they stay a long time.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
I helped Jim outside a while. Then a man came to talk about a roof. I liked him and shared my toys but he didn't throw them for me. Jim and Jean went to run. Jim can run again. It's too hot for me to run.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Hot Day
It is hot here. Jim and I spent some time outside in the morning. Jean played some tennnis ball with me in the basement. I don't know what heatstroke is but Jean doesn't want me to get it so she doesn't let me do a lot of running in the heat.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
I am amazing
We had a party last night. Jean has a saying "If you feed them they will come". And they did come. We had 18 people at our party. Every one of them thought that I was amazing. I was so well behaved and I did all my trick and basically I was amazing. Everyone wanted to throw my toys to me. We all went out to look at the vineyard. It was so much fun.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Party Time
Jim and Jean invited some friends over tonight. I had my hair brushed and I am ready for a party. I am sure everyone wants to see me and pet me and play ball with me. I like having company. I am going to wait by the door so I can greet them when they come.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Fish Food
Jim and Jean feed me twice a day. They feed the fish once a day. Sometimes a little piece of fish food falls on the ground and I eat it. It's pretty good. When Jim and Jean have corn on the cob they save some pieces for the fish. I like the corn too.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Old camper, new camper
Jim and Jean had a big camper. It was really nice and I liked camping in it. They decided it was too big to drag around. They wanted something smaller so they sold it. Today Jim was gone all day and guess what? He came home with a new camper. It's not really new but is new to us. It looks really nice and there is a bed just for me - at least I think it is for me. Surely they wouldn't make me sleep on the floor when there is a bed I could sleep on. I can't wait to go camping. Camping is so much fun. I can't wait to go.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Good day for a nap
It is very hot outside especially for a dog with a beautiful fur coat. We spent some time outside this morning but mostly it's a good day for a nap.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
My days
My days here at Jim and Jean's are filled with helping Jim outside, playing ball and taking naps. I also help Jean in her office. I have a good life here. It's been a long time since I've seen TJ and Pat. I know they will come back some time but I don't know when. In the mean time I'm a happy guy.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Watching Softball
Jim cannot play softball because of his knee surgery. He has missed the last few games. Tonight we went to watch the game. Jim kept score. Jean't parents came to watch too. I like going to the softball games because when they are over Jim gets a hot dog and shares it with me.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Deer in the vineyard
Jean did some sewing today. I like to lay on my quilt in Jean's sewing room and help her. I also helped Jim in the vineyard. Jim does not like deer to come near the vineyard. If he sees a deer he throws a rock at it. The deer just look at him and stand there even if the rock hits them. He tells me to chase the deer away. TJ and Pat taught me not to mess with the wildlife so I never chase the deer. I just sit and watch Jim throw rocks. I would rather have him throw a tennis ball.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Good uses for a stick
There are many good uses for a stick. In the winter Jim will burn sticks to keep warm. Sometimes when we are on a hike Jean will use a stick to dig a hole and bury my poop. The best use for a stick is to play fetch. I also like to chew on a stick sometimes. I'm glad we live in the wood where there are plenty of sticks.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Cheese Puffs
At lunchtime I get one measly little dog biscuit. Sometimes Jim will give me a chip or the corner from his sandwich. Today he had cheese puffs for lunch. He gave me some and they were super delicious. Then Jean gave me some. I love cheese puffs.
After dinner we took a walk on the trail. It was the first walk Jim took with us since he hurt is knee. I am so glad his knee is feeling better. I love family walks.
After dinner we took a walk on the trail. It was the first walk Jim took with us since he hurt is knee. I am so glad his knee is feeling better. I love family walks.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Following Rules
There are rules at this house. Usually Jean makes the rules and Jim and I follow them. One of the rules is we cannot play ball upstairs. Jim lays on the floor to do his knee exercises. I will bring him one of my balls. I can't help it if he breaks a rule and throws the ball. Of course I go get the ball and bring it back to him. Then Jean will come in the room and tell us we are not supposed to play ball upstairs. We wait until she leaves and play some more. I can't help it if Jim breaks the rules. I am a good dog.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Helping Jim Exercise
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
A good day
Today was a very good day. First I helped Jim outside. At lunchtime Jean had peanut butter on an apple. She gave me the peanut butter container to lick out. That is one of my very favorite things to do. I take it to my bed and clean it out. Then after dinner Jim finished off a carton of ice cream. I don't get much dairy because I am lactose intolerant but sometimes I get a little ice cream. I got to lick out the carton. Yum.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Summer Days
It's been pretty hot. I like air conditioning. But I also like to go outside with Jim. Today we watered the vineyard and garden. I chased the ball some but mostly I laid in the shade and watched Jim. I'm glad Jim's knee is feeling better. I usually get hungry for my dinner around 4. They don't feed me until at least 5. At 4 I start whining and staring and letting them know I'm starving. Today it must have worked because Jim fed me at 4:30.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
A regular Sunday
We slept in then we had waffles for breakfast. Actually I had my dog food breakfast first then I had some waffles with syrup. Jean went for a run. It was too hot for me to go so I stayed home. Jim met some people who wanted to buy the camper. In the afternoon we all went out to the vineyard and garden. I chased the tennis ball. When I'm outside I like to lay in the shade and rest.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
The Farm
Last night we drove down to to farm. They put my bed behind Jim's seat in the Envoy. I am very good in the car. Charlie is on vacation at the farm. The farm is like a resort for dogs. There is lots of room to run and play, there is gourmet dog food and a swimming pool just for dogs. I love visiting the farm and seeing my brother Rusty. We picked up Jim and Jean's camper. They are going to sell it and buy a smaller one. I like camping. I used to go camping with TJ and Pat all the time. My favorite camping is sleeping in the tent with TJ and Pat. I have my own sleeping bag for camping.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Back to work
Jim finally felt well enough to ride on his little John Deere which means I got to spend the whole afternoon outside. I just love it when I work outside with Jim.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Fourth of July
Humans celebrate a lot of holidays. I like Thanksgiving because I get turkey and mashed potatoes. I like Christmas because I get presents. I do not like the Fourth of July. There are noisy fireworks. Today we slept in. Jean decided to take me for a nice walk. We went to the trails and headed out. We could hear firecrackers. They were very loud and scary. I kept trying to hide in the weeds. The leaves kept sticking to my collar. After about two and a half minutes I turned around and pulled Jean back to the car. I had enough and wanted to go home. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. It was the shortest walk ever. Last year I was in Idaho with TJ and Pat on the Fourth of July. Two years ago I was in Jen and John's back yard with Charlie and I climbed the 6 foot fence and ran down the street. Three years ago TJ and Pat took me to a firework display at Rend Lake and I tried to hide under the chair. I will be happy when this day is over.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Loud noises
I do not like thunderstorms. One thing I hate as much as thunder is fireworks. They are very loud and they scare me. Usually at night Jim or Jean let me outside to go potty then I come in and head straight to my bed in the kitchen. This week there have been fireworks every night. Instead of heading to my bed I tiptoe back to Jim and Jean's room and hide in the closet. It is very safe in the closet and much quieter. I usually keep a tennis ball or one of my toys in the closet. Plus it is much closer to Jim and Jean. After the loud noises end I get up and go to my bed for the rest of the night.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Charlie came
Tonight Jen, John and Charlie came and brought dinner. They brought dinner for the humans but none for me. I had dog food. We had to go to the basement and find the ice axes. They are going on vacation to Montana where they will hike through ice.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Taking care of Jim
This morning we all got up early. Jim and Jean left for the morning. When Jim came back he had his knee all wrapped up. They said he had surgery. I had surgery once. I can tell you it was not fun at all. They took me to the vet when I was just a little puppy and they cut my balls off. They didn't even ask my opinion. I do have an opinion and I did not like it. I don't think Jim liked surgery even though all they did was fix his knee. I watched over Jim all afternoon to make sure he was okay. After dinner Jean wanted to take me for a run. I did not want to go. I needed to take care of Jim but she made me go anyway. Jim was okay for an hour without us. It was a nice cool evening so it was not too hot to run.
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