Monday, March 18, 2013

Sharing with Charlie

I have to share everything with Charlie. Sometimes Charlie will go into Jean's office and lay on my quilt.  Sometimes he likes to lay on my bed.  I am very good at sharing.  If Charlie is laying on my bed at night time Jean and Jim make him get up so I can sleep in my bed.
Jean puts my toys away when Charlie comes because Charlie likes to tear my toys to pieces.  Today we went outside and got our feet muddy.  Jim locked us in the basement until our feet dried out.
The sun came out and Jim and Jean took us for a nice walk through the neighborhood.  Charlie kept wrapping the leash around the mailboxes.  He is so funny.  My friend Sammy was ourside.  She was not sure about Charlie and did not come to greet me like she usually does.  I told her that Charlie is big but he's really nice so she came to greet me.

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