Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Today is Easter.  I helped Jim outside for a while.  Then Jim and Jean took me to the trails for a 5 mile run.  Jim and Jean left me home alone and went to an Easter celebration.  I got to take a nap.  I did get a new red squeaky toy that I really like.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

A tiring day

Today was a nice warm day.  Jim and I worked outside all day.  He threw a stick and a tennis ball.  One of the neighbors stopped by to talk and he threw the tennis ball for me.  I was so tired after all that work.  After dinner Jean saved me a couple bites of meat.  I was almost too tired to get up to eat it.  She could have put the plate right by me so I didn't have to get up.  Then Jim and Jean went shopping and left me to guard the house.  Usually when they leave I watch them out my window.  I was just too tired to watch out the window.  I took a nap.


Jim and I have been working outside a lot.  Yesterday Jim found a couple ticks on me.  Jim and Jean put stuff on my back every month to keeps the ticks away.  Jim also bought me a tick collar for extra protection.  We don't like ticks.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Playing fetch and muddy feet

I just love to chase a tennis ball, stick or frisbee.  Today Jean was throwing the tennis ball.  It was so much fun but I got muddy feet.  I have to let Jean wash my feet before I come back in the house.  That's okay with me. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Busy Day

Today Jim and Jean took me for a run at lunchtime.  Then I helped Jim outside all afternoon.  He threw the stick for me over and over.  I am really tired.  I like to nap in the hallway so I can be near all the doors where the people are.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Happy Birthday to me

Today is a very, very special day.  It's my birthday.  I am 4 years old today.  Hooray for me.  TJ and Pat called me as sang to me over the phone.  Jim and Jean took me for a walk and I got special treats.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Cross Country Skiing with Jim and Jean

Today Jim got out the cross country skis.  I was so excited I ran circles around the yard as fast as I could.  I just love cross country skiing.  I used to go with TJ and Pat when we lived in Idaho.  We went to Castlewood and had a fun time in the snow!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Springtime Snow

This morning we got up and it was snowing.  It snowed all day.  We have about a foot of snow.  I just love the snow.  I helped Jim and Jean shovel the driveway two or three times.  The snow covers up all the sticks so it is hard work for me to find a good stick for Jim to throw.  It was snowing so hard this morning that I had snow all over my back.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Helping Jim Outside

Today Charlie and I helped Jim outside.  It was a nice day.  Jen and John came and picked  Charlie up to take him home.  I like it when Charlie comes to visit.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Being Fair

Jim and Jean try to be very fair with Charlie and me.  If I get a treat then Charlie gets a treat.  If I get a walk then Charlie gets a walk.  If they throw the tennis ball for me then they throw it for Charlie.  Today was a little different.  They took me for a run and left Charlie at home.  We went for a five mile run and they were worried that would be took far for Charlie to run.  Charlie has some problems with his back legs and they don't want him to overdo it.  But when we got home after dinner they had some ice cream.  They let Charlie lick the carton and I didn't get to.  Jim gave me a dog treat instead and I spit it out because I wanted ice cream.  They did let me lick their bowls which made up for it.  I am good at sharing with Charlie.  I let him lay on my bed sometimes,

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tennis and basketball

Today Jean threw the tennis ball for Charlie and me.  She throws two balls so we can each chase our own ball.  It is great fun.  After dinner we decided the relax and watch some NCAA basketball.  March madness.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Lazy Charlie

Charlie is lazy.  He doesn't do much work.  On the other hand I am always busy working.  Here is what I mean.  Here I am helping Jean in her office.  I am making sure she is not lonely and helping her with her work.
Now here is Charlie in Jean's office just laying around doing nothing.

Here I am busy at work in the kitchen.  I am guarding the back door to make sure no one comes in unless I know about it.  This is very hard work.

Here is Charlie laying around doing nothing again.

Here I am hard at work again keeping watch of the kitchen. I am close to a window so I can monitor the yard also.
See what I mean?  I do all the work around here while Charlie lays around.  He is the guest so he doesn't have to do much work.

Today we help Jim outside then Jim and Jean took us for a nice walk.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A noisy day

Today the man from the security company came.  Jim and Jean have an alarm system in their house and he came to hook it up and turn it on.  He had to test it which met a loud siren went off.  Charlie and I were on the back porch while all this was going on and we were wondering what the noise was all about.  I don't know why they think they need a security system when they have me.  I will tell them when a stranger comes then I will invite them in and share a toy.

Jim and Jean took Charlie and me for a run through the neighborhood.  Jim takes Charlie and Jean takes me.  We stopped and visited with my friend Sammy.  Charlie got to meet Sammy and now they are friends.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sharing with Charlie

I have to share everything with Charlie. Sometimes Charlie will go into Jean's office and lay on my quilt.  Sometimes he likes to lay on my bed.  I am very good at sharing.  If Charlie is laying on my bed at night time Jean and Jim make him get up so I can sleep in my bed.
Jean puts my toys away when Charlie comes because Charlie likes to tear my toys to pieces.  Today we went outside and got our feet muddy.  Jim locked us in the basement until our feet dried out.
The sun came out and Jim and Jean took us for a nice walk through the neighborhood.  Charlie kept wrapping the leash around the mailboxes.  He is so funny.  My friend Sammy was ourside.  She was not sure about Charlie and did not come to greet me like she usually does.  I told her that Charlie is big but he's really nice so she came to greet me.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St Patrick's Day

This morning we celebrated St. Patrick's Day by eating waffles.  Then Jean dressed us up in green.  She tried to put a sweatshirt on Charlies but he kept rolling around so she gave up and tied green fabric around his neck.  I put on a green t shirt.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday with the dogs

Tiffany, Dale and Tammy spent the night.  They slept in the guest room.  Charlie and I sleep in the kitchen.  When Charlie is not here I sleep in the kitchen with the doors open.  When Charlie is here they put up the gate and close the door so we have to stay in the kitchen.  I sleep on my nice soft pillow.  Charlie forgot to bring his pillow so he sleeps on a rug with a quilt on top.  Tiffany sleeps in her kennel in the guest room.  The humans all left and went somewhere.  I had to stay home and dog sit Charlie and Tiffany.  I have to do all the work around here.  They are not hard to watch because they sleep a lot.  The humans came home and played ball with us.  Then they went out to dinner.  I very much liked that because Tammy ordered ribs and brought the bones home to Charlie and me.  We just love ribs.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The back porch

Today the floors were mopped so Charlie and I had to hang out on the back porch.  Jim took us outside to do some work then it was back to the back porch.  Jim and Jean came out and sat on the porch a while because it was a nice warm day.  Tiffany came and brought Dale and Tammy with her but she is too little to hang out on the porch with us. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring Break

Spring break is a time when the weather gets a little warmer and people go on vacation.  We are not going on vacation because Jean has to work.  Jen and John are going camping so Charlie came to stay with us for spring break.  Charlie came this afternoon.  Charlie likes to be very close to people.  I need to stay close to my people also to make sure I get my share of love.  Jean took me for a run.  We left Charlie at home because she didn't think she could run with two dogs and Jim was at work. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

More work

I spent the whole day outside working with Jim.  We are working with wood and sticks.  Jean has to work at her desk in the house all day.  At the end of the day Jim and I came inside.  Jim was tired so he took a shower.  I would like to relax but then Jean was done with her work so she took me for a walk.  I am so tired I sleep most the evening.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

More Company

I love company.  When company comes I great them with a bark or two then I find a toy and hope they want to play catch.  Sunday Becky and Dillon came.  Monday the cable guy came.  Today the lady from the security alarm company came.  I like having company.

I helped Jim outside then Jim and Jean took me to the trail for a nice long run.  After all that I had a good dinner then I needed a nap.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Many deer

Today Jean was taking me for my evening walk  When we walked out we saw a deer in the yard.  We watched it for a while then it ran away.  We saw 15 deer on our walk.

Today everyone got up early.  Jim fed me my dinner early.  This is because they changed their clocks so I could eat earlier.  It also means we have enough daylight to take a walk after dinner.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Today it rained all day which means we were stuck inside.  Then something exciting happened.  Aunt Becky came and brought Dillon with her.  Dillon has to go to the hospital very early in the morning and have tubes put in his ears.  I just love Dillon.  He threw my toys for me over and over.  He is at just the right level to give him lots of kisses.  After dinner it stopped raining so we took a short walk.  I just love having company.

A nice spring day -Saturday

Today when we got up it was raining.  I don't like rainy days.  But the clouds blew over and the sun came out and it was warm.  It reminded me of spring.  I spent the day outside helping Jim with wood.

Friday, March 8, 2013

A day's work

Today I spent the whole day outside working with Jim.  Charlie and John came in the morning.  Jim and John cut a tree down where the vineyard will be.  My job is to keep track of the sticks.  Charlie did not have a job so he assigned himself one.  He decided his job would be to catch a mole.  He sniffed around and dug a few holes.  It kept him busy all morning but he never did get a mole or any other critter.

Jean took me for a walk.  I was tired after by busy day but she like me to walk with her.  It was a great day.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A toy in every room

I love my toys.  I like to spread them around the house.  I usually have one in Jean's office,  a couple in the family room, one in Jim and Jean's closet, one in the kitchen and a couple in the basement.  Sometimes Jean picks them all up and puts in my toy box.  I really like that because then I can spread them around again.

Today Jim went to work so I was home with Jean.  She took me for a nice walk.  There was a dog out in it's yard and it was staring at me.  I refused to walk past it.  I had walked by that dog before but today I did not want to walk by it.  I made Jean turn around and go the other direction.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Some work and a run

This morning I relaxed.  Jean took me for a run at lunchtime.  Then I helped Jim outside all afternoon.  Most of the snow has melted.  Jim and Jean left after dinner.  I stayed home and took a nap.  When they came home Jim and I had some vanilla wafers.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Another Regular Day

Today I helped Jim outside a little.  Then I took a nap.  Jean took me for a long walk before dinner.  I fetched the tennis ball.  Jim and I had our favorite bedtime snack - vanilla wafers.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Half a bath

Today I helped Jim outside.  Jean took me for a walk.  I got to play with my friend Sammy.  We ran through the mud.  Jean tried to have me walk in the snow on the way home to clean off my feet but it didn't work.  I was half dirty so I had a half of a bath in the sink. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Heading home

This morning we had waffles.  At the farm each dog gets a big plate of waffles with butter and syrup.  They really know how to feed a dog on the farm.

Jim put the back seat down in the Vibe so I would have more room on the trip.
Even though I have lots of room in the back I like to be close to Jim and Jean.

I moved a little closer which required me to lay on the suitcases. 

On the way home from the farm we stopped at Sand Creek Winery.  Jim had met the owner of the winery.  They were going to leave me in the car but the man told me I was welcome to come inside.  I sniffed all around then I took a nap.

The Farm

We went to the farm this weekend.  At the farm I get to see my brother Rusty.  I have a lot of brothers and sister somewhere but the only one I really know is Rusty.  There are lots of sticks at the farm.  Jean threw a stick for me.

One of the best things about the farm is the food.  Rusty and I get a whole can of dog food for breakfast and dinner.  Canned dog food is delicious.  After our can of dog food we get a dog cookie for dessert.  
In the afternoon Tiffany came and brought Dale and Tammy with her.  Tiffany is very small and has to stay in the house.  The humans all went out for dinner.  I had to stay on the back porch and Rusty  had to be tied up.  I also sleep on the back porch when I am at the farm.

In the evening the humans were watch TV.  Jim let me in the house and told me to stay on the little rug by the door.  I was happy to be inside.  I stretched out and moved toward the couch one inch at a time so no one would notice.  It took me a while but I inched my way to the middle of the room then I took a nap.