Sunday, February 17, 2013

Scary Movies

Last night Jim and Jean watched a movie called "War Horse".  It started out with a cute little colt.  The owner whistled for it.  I liked the whistling.  But then the horse went to war.  There was a lot of loud gun fire in the movie.  Everyone knows I do not like gunfire, fireworks or thunder.The movie scared me.  I thought it was really happening.  Jim sat on the floor with me and petted me so I wouldn't be scared.  When the movie was over it was bedtime.  Usually at bedtime I go straight to my bed in the kitchen but last night I went to Jim and Jean's room.  I was hoping they would let me sleep with them in case the war started again.  I had to sleep in my bed.

Today we went for a trail run at Castlewood.  It was very muddy on some of the trails.  I had to have a shower when we got home.

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