Thursday, February 28, 2013

Running With Jean

Today Jean took me for a long run during her lunch break.  We went through the neighborhood because the trails are still too muddy.  We saw my friend Sammy.  We usually just do one loop of the neighborhood but since we hadn't been out much we did two loops today.  When we finished the first loop I was going to head down the hill toward home but Jean pulled me along for more running.  When we got home I was so tired I went to my bed and took a nap.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Another boring day.  Jim and Jean played a lot of ball with me in the basement.  It rained and snowed all day and it is a muddy mess outside.  Yawn.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Today was a boring day.  It rained and was muddy outside so I was stuck inside.  I played with my toys and took naps.  I hope it's is nicer outside tomorrow.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Thanksgiving in February

Thanksgiving was a long time ago.  There was turkey and lots of people, dogs and food.  It was a wonderful day because TJ and Pat were here.  There was lots of leftover turkey that Jim put in the freezer just for me.  Today he thawed some out and I had turkey for dinner.  Yum!.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Frisbee in the snow

This morning Jim and Jean went for a race.  I get to go when they practice racing but I don't get to go the the real race.  When they got home they were tired.  Jean took me outside and threw the frisbee until I got tired and laid down in the snow.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Castlewood in the Snow

This morning Jim and Jean took me for a nice long walk at Castlewood.  Jim threw a stick for me to chase.  We checked out the river and hiked some trails.  I had a very good time.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Shoveling Snow

This morning Jim and I spent 4 hours outside shoveling the driveway.  Actually Jim shovelled the driveway and I supervised.  Most of the sticks were covered with snow but I was still able to find a few sticks for Jim to throw.  Jean was in the house working but she came out at her lunch break and helped.
I helped Jean measure the snow.  We had 4 inches of sleet, rain and ice.  I just love the snow.

We were really tired after our hard work and needed a nap.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Let it snow

This morning Jim and I went outside and brought wood up to the house.  They were predicting snow and ice so we were getting ready.  First we had sleet, then we had about 4 inches of snow.  Jim threw the tennis ball for me in the snow.  I just love to play in the snow.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A cold day

Today was cold but we stilll went for our daily walk.  We saw deer and geese on our walk.  Jean also threw the tennis ball for me.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Company for Dinner

Jim and Jean went to run at Castlewood.  They left me home because is is muddy and they don't want to give me another bath.  Guess who came home with them - Jen, John and Charlie.  They had dinner with us.  I just love when they come to visit me.

Staying Clean

Yesterday was a boring day because I had a bath and now smell like apple blossom shampoo Jean does not want me to go outside and get muddy.  It rained so I had to stay inside.  Jim and Jean play ball with me in the basement when we can't get outside.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Scary Movies

Last night Jim and Jean watched a movie called "War Horse".  It started out with a cute little colt.  The owner whistled for it.  I liked the whistling.  But then the horse went to war.  There was a lot of loud gun fire in the movie.  Everyone knows I do not like gunfire, fireworks or thunder.The movie scared me.  I thought it was really happening.  Jim sat on the floor with me and petted me so I wouldn't be scared.  When the movie was over it was bedtime.  Usually at bedtime I go straight to my bed in the kitchen but last night I went to Jim and Jean's room.  I was hoping they would let me sleep with them in case the war started again.  I had to sleep in my bed.

Today we went for a trail run at Castlewood.  It was very muddy on some of the trails.  I had to have a shower when we got home.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hiking Castlewood

Today Jim got up early to go take some pictures.  Jim fed me breakfast then left.  I was good and let Jean sleep in.  When Jim got home from pictures we all went over to Castlewood and took a nice hike.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Dogs in coats

Today I helped Jim outside in the vineyard.  Then Jim and Jean took me to the trail for a 5 mile run.  We often see people, bikes and dogs on the trail.  I am fine with all of them.  But today there were some people that had 3 dogs.  I was scared and did not want to go past them.  The dogs were not barking but one of them had on a red plaid coat.  I do not trust dogs that wear red plaid coats.  Jim made me walk past them and all was well. 

Every evening I am tired from my busy day and need to take a nap.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

I want to wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day.  It is a good day for people to give me extra hugs and treats.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Right at home

I am right at home here in Missouri with Jim and Jean.  We have a good life here.  They take me for lots of walks and runs.  I help Jim work outside.  They throw lots of sticks and balls and frisbees for me to chase.  They feed me breakfast and dinner everyday plus treats.  Today I got to have some pork.  Jean took me for a long run on the trail today.  I had to be on the leash because it was a nice day and a lot of people were out.  Sometimes I hear Jim and Jean talk about TJ and Pat.  My ears always perk up when I hear their names.  I know they will come back for me someday but for now I am right at home.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Voles in the Vineyard

I have been helping Jim in the vineyard.  Well it's not a vineyard yet but it will be as soon as we plant some grapes.  Right now we are clearing weeks and sticks.  Today we were outside working and I saw movement in the leaves.  It was a little vole.  I went for it and tossed it in the air then I ate it.  Jean did not believe this but I am the descendant of a wolf after all. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Cleaning Day

On Monday Jim usually mops the floor.  He usually ties me outside or puts me on the deck while the floor dries.  Jim and I spent the afternoon outside working.  Sometimes I get tired and like to rest in the leaves.  Jim and Jean took me for a short run. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Thunder on Jim's Birthday

This morning there was thunder and rain and lightning.  Everyone knows that thuder is a very scary thing.  It is Sunday so Jim and Jean were sleeping in.  I quietly walked back to their room to see if they were up.  I like being near my people when there is thunder.  Jim told me to go back to bed.  I went back toward the kitchen but then I tiptoed back into their room and slept by their bed until they got up.

The rain passed by and we took a walk after lunch. 

Jean told me that Charlie was coming for dinner and he was bringing Jen and John with him.  I was so excited I watched for them out the window.  Then I saw their car I couldn't wait to get outside to greet them.  It is Jim's birthday so Jen brought a cake.  The human all ate dinner.  Charlie and I got a bone then we did the dished.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Playing frisbee until my tongue hangs out

Today Jim had to go to work.  Jean went for a race.  She came home at lunchtime.  She didn't want to take me for a walk so she threw the frisbee over and over and over again.  I am trying to help her learn to throw the frisbee better.  I chased the frisbee until I was so tired my tongue hung out.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Dinner Time

When it is dinner time I am so hungry.  This is because I don't get lunch.  I would like to have dinner at 4:00 but I they don't feed me until at least 5.  By then I am starving.  When they put dinner in my bowl I patiently wait until they tell me it's okay to eat then I chow down.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

My internal clock

I have an internal clock that tells me it's time to get up and eat breakfast.  I wait patiently until Jim and Jean get up before I go back to their room to great them.  My internal clock also tells me it's time for dinner.  The only problem is I want my dinner at 4:30.  I will go to Jim or Jean and gently nudge them on the elbow then give them my cutest, starving stare.  For some reason they don't think I need dinner until 5:00.  I try to convince them I want dinner before 5 but it hasn't worked.  My internal clock also tells me its time to take nap.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Teaching an old human new tricks

Jean takes me outside to play frisbee.  She was not very good at throwing the frisbee.  I have been practicing with her and she is getting much better at it.  She can learn to throw a frisbee.

Today I helped Jim outside all afternoon then Jim and Jean took me to the trail for a long run.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hanging out in the hallway

When Jim and Jean are in their offices I like to hang out in the hallway.  There I can see both doors so I can keep track of where everyone is.

Today Jean took me for a walk and I got to play with my friend Sammy.  I met a new friend named Sonny.  He is a big old lab and was very friendly.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Sometimes my ears perk up

Today Jim and Jean took me for a run.  I got to stop and play with my friend Sammy.  When we got home I had my dinner and I was very tired.  I was sleeping in the family room but when I heard Jim open the vanilla wafer box my ears perked up.  Jim always shares his vanilla wafers with me.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Sunday

Today is a super Sunday and here is why:

1.  It snowed last night.  I just love the snow because it reminds me of Idaho.  I helped Jim and Jean shovel the driveway.

2.  We had waffles for breakfast.  Yum.

3.  We took a nice long walk in the snow at Castlewood.

4.  The Superbowl is on.  Jim and Jean are going to a Superbowl party.  I am going to stay home and watch the puppy bowl or maybe I will just take a nap.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Human Shoes

I can tell you a lot about human shoes.  First of all they wear them when they go outside.  Jim has work boots.  I like it when he puts on his work boots because that means I will be outside helping him work.  Today he put on his work boots and we spent a lot of time outside.

Jean has shoes she runs in.  Sometimes I get to go running with her and sometimes she leaves me at home.  Today she put on her running shoes and went for a race.  She left me at home but that was okay because Jim put on his work boots.

Jim and Jean both have fancy shoes.  I don't know where they go when they wear fancy shoes because I never get to go.  I think maybe they go to weddings. 

When Jim and Jean don't have shoes on that means we are staying inside.

Jean got a package in the mail that had some very odd looking shoes in it.  I am not sure if I will go along when she puts on those shoes.  There was a pair of pants in the package.  I spent a lot of time sniffing the pants because they smelled like TJ touched them.

Friday, February 1, 2013

First of February

On the first of the month I get a heartworm pill.  It tastes really good.

Today Jim and I went outside to work.  Jim decided it was too muddy so we didn't work long.  I don't mind getting a little muddy but Jim didn't want to have to give me another bath so we came inside.  Jim and Jean took me for a nice walk before dinner.

I like to have my toys nearby.  I like to have a toy in each room so I can alway be near a toy.  Jean will go through the house and gather my toys and put them in my toy box.  Then I get them out and spread them around the house again.