Monday, December 31, 2012

Napping with TJ

It snowed.  I love running and playing in the snow.  But most of all I love coming inside and taking a nap with TJ.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

New toy

My new favorite toy is my kong wubba.  My friend Nita gave it to me.  It squeaks and it bounces.  It is the perfect toy.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Watching Jean Race

Today two exciting things happens.  We had snow on the ground.  I just love snow.  It reminds me of all the good times we had in Idaho.  The seconds thing was that we went to watch Jean race.  We made signs to Cheer her cheer on.  I wish I could have raced with her.  I could help her run fast.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Good day for a hike

Today we met up with Jim and Jean and went for a hike at Meramec State Park.  It was a fabulous day and we had the park to ourselves.  After the hike the humans had a picnic while I chewed on a stick.  Next the humans went to wineries while I had to wait in the car.  It is very hard work guarding the car.  Someone left a banana on the seat which I accidently sat on.  Oops!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

I am TJ and Pat's dog

Christmas is over.  I was a good dog.  I got some new toys and treats.  I have been with TJ and Pat for most of December.  I am their dog.  I like to sleep with them.  I don't know if they are going to leave me again or if they are here forever.  I am just happy they are here.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Toy

I got a new toy for Christmas.  It is a puzzle.  I am very smart and very good at puzzles.  If I move the pieces right then I get a treat.  I love my new toy.

Ham for Breakfast

TJ and Pat left me home alone yesterday while they went to Christmas parties.  They made it up to me today by giving me ham for breakfast.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Leaving Me

TJ, Pat and I are staying at Jen and John's house while they are in the Grand Canyon.  It's Christmas and they are leaving me to go off and party.  I have to stay and watch the house all by myself.

Merry Christmas

I was a very, very, very good boy and Santa Claus brought me a present!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Setting Out Cookies for Santa

I set out one of my favorite cookies for Santa.  I hope he comes and brings me something special.

New Friend

We went to the farm.  We had waffles for breakfast.  Rusty, Charlie and I each got our own plate.  Yum!

There farm has lots of sticks.  I love it when people throw the stick for me.  I also like chewing on a stick.

 Jean, TJ and Pat took us for a walk to the pond and through the pasture.

Then SueAnn and Nick came with their dogs.  Now I have new friends!  Their dogs have to stay in their crates in the house most of the day.  They don't get to play outside with us.

TJ, Pat and I headed back to St. Louis.  Charlie gets to stay at the farm for a couple weeks. 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Riding in the car with Charlie

TJ and Pat are taking Charlie and I to the farm!  It's a little crowded in the back of the car but it will be so much fun.  Charlie is taking my spot but he is the guest so I let him do what he wants.

Friday, December 21, 2012

The end of the world

Today the Mayan calendar ends which means it is a good day for a party.  Jean took me for a run this morning through the neighborhood.  I have not run with Jean for a while because I have been on vacation.  It was good to smell the familiar scents and see some of the neighbor dogs.  TJ and Pat took me to Jen and John's where we are having a party. 
TJ and Pat have shirts with my picture on them so they can always feel close to me.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Back to Missouri

We made it back to Missouri.  We had a great time on vacation.  Jim saved me some pieces of meat.  I was so happy I sat up and gave him a high five.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Riding in the Car Again

We are back in the car.  Sometimes I like looking out the window.  Sometime I wish I could sit in the front seat with TJ and Pat.  I like to be a close to them as possible.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Heading out

We had a great time at Congaree National Park.  Now we are headed to Pisgah National Forest.  I might as well take a little nap in the car.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hiking the River Trail

I am still at Congaree National Park with TJ and Pat.  Today we took a long walk on the River Trail.  I am having fun but I hope Jim saves some ham for me.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Congaree National Park

We are at Congaree National Park in South Carolina.  There are some really big trees here.  There is also a swamp.  Some national parks are kind of fussy about dogs but they like dogs here and even have trails we can walk on.  I am having tons of fun. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

On the Road Again

We had so much fun at the beach.  Now we are going to drive to Congaree National Park.  I am glad that I can't drive so I can take a nap in the car.

Sunrise at the Beach

One of the best things about camping with TJ and Pat is snuggling in the tent together.  I am tired from a busy day so I need a good sleep.  In the morning I enjoy getting up and seeing the sunrise at the beach.

Friday, December 14, 2012

A Sunny Day

The sun is out and we are having fun playing at the beach.  I like the ocean to play in.  I think someone spilled the salt shaker in the ocean because it does not taste good.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Fun Times in South Carolina

It finally stopped raining.  TJ and Pat took a mountain bike ride.  I run along beside them because they don't ride that fast.  We are having lots of fun on vacation.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Rainy Day

TJ, Pat and I are still on vacation in South Carolina.  Today was a very rainy day which meant a lot of time snuggling in the tent.  I was tired at the end of the day.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Beach

We are on vacation.  We are at the beach in South Carolina.  I like the beach but there is one problem.  I have been to lakes and rivers and ponds and I like to get a drink.  The water at the beach is very salty.  I don't like it at all.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Another Road Trip

This morning TJ and Pat were packing and getting ready to leave.  I wasn't sure what was going to happen.  Then they packed my food and bowls.  We are going on vacation!  I am so excited.