Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Back to work

Last night when it was time for me to go to bed I was a little confused.  I had been with TJ and Pat the last week and I got to sleep with them.  Last night I slept on my bed in the kitchen by myself.  Today I helped Jim outside with wood.  Jim would throw a stick.  I would bring it back.  When I got tired I chewed on the stick.  Jean took me for a walk.  At first I didn't want to go for a walk.  I was worried that TJ and Pat would come back and I wouldn't be home.  Once we started on the walk and I could smell my favorite spots I was happy to walk.  My friend Sammy was walking with her human.  We went back to Sammy's house and we ran and ran and ran around her yard.  I love playing chase with Sammy.  Today Jean made a new cover for my bed.  It is soft and comfy.

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